Matlab figure replacement

I have to try the JLSO.jl approach with Makie.jl

My original use case is when your are in a meeting, and discuss some data from an experiment or other result of some sorts, it would be nice to have figures where you can zoom, pan and where linked axis would work.

The closest to this is probably PlotlyJS.jl with an HTML export. You can even share the file. However, storing the data directly in the HTML as plain JSON is not very efficient.

What is more comfortable to you is obviously indisputable.
In my own experience, I always found that a completely automated process is a win (eventually). So I would include the camera settings into the script and rerun the complete script each time. First advantage is that this solution is already available and the second is that when the data change you can reuse (or adapt, or enrich) the complete script. It is not a good solution if you want to share the output with non Julia user. An other issue maybe the TTFP to execute the script live (in this case I launch the script ahead of the presentation).

Same arguments. Maybe the problem in your case is more precisely that you want to share the plot with non Julia users…

if you really want to save a text representation of the plot (perhaps even with the data embedded), I believe gnuplot could be a viable choice for you. Two packages exist in Julia that interface with gnuplot (but ofcourse you’d need to have gnuplot installed on your system)

Hi, I wonder if there have been any changes with what could replace Matlab’s .fig files? Or any other way of doing: plot ->save plot → send to someone → open and edit.

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