Makie scatter image marker no longer work

I just found my old code not working any more:

Makie.scatter(1:2, 1:2,marker = [rand(Gray,3,3),rand(Gray,3,3)], markersize=30)

my julia version is 1.7.2 on win10, GLMakie is 0.5.5.

list of buildin marker works, for example marker=[:x,:+], and single image works,but list of images will produce this:

_collect(c::Vector{Matrix{RGBA{Float32}}}, itr::Base.Generator{Vector{Matrix{RGBA{Float32}}}, typeof(size)}, #unused#::Base.EltypeUnknown, isz::Base.HasShape{1}) at array.jl:0
collect_similar at array.jl:653 [inlined]
map at abstractarray.jl:2849 [inlined]
draw_scatter(p::Tuple{Observable{Vector{Matrix{RGBA{Float32}}}}, Observable{Vector{Point{2, Float32}}}}, data::Dict) at particles.jl:187
draw_scatter(p::Tuple{Observable{Vector{Matrix{RGBA{Float32}}}}, Observable{Vector{Point{2, Float32}}}}, data::Dict) at particles.jl:212

@sdanisch or anyone could verify this, or should I report it as a bug?

It’s a bug:

The GLMakie master limit Observable.jl to >0.5, which is not included in many JuliaGizmos packakges, like Interact.jl and WebIO.jl. Is there any reason not include Observable.jl v0.4 for GLMakie?

Yes, because the newest Makie version relies on the 0.5 release.
I think we really need to try to move away from WebIO, since it’s pretty much unmaintained.
I hope to find some time soon to move some stuff to JSServe.