I got an error, which wasn’t there at the previous versions of Makie.jl
When I plot a scatter with marker set to an image as follow:
# I load the following Pkg:
using Makie
using CairoMakie
import GLMakie
# Then I create the main figure and an axis
fig = Figure(resolution = (700, 700))
ax1 = Makie.Axis(fig)
# I have an image of a car named "marker_car" which was loaded from a png file
# and I pass this image as a marker
scatter!(ax1, car_pos, marker = marker_car, markersize= car_size)
Then I get the following error:
Error showing value of type Figure:
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching to_spritemarker(::RGBA{N0f8})
Closest candidates are:
to_spritemarker(::Makie.FastPixel) at C:\Users\miki\.julia\packages\Makie\c5WJV\src\conversions.jl:1166
to_spritemarker(::Circle{T} where T) at C:\Users\miki\.julia\packages\Makie\c5WJV\src\conversions.jl:1167
to_spritemarker(::Type{var"#s298"} where var"#s298"<:(Circle{T} where T)) at C:\Users\miki\.julia\packages\Makie\c5WJV\src\conversions.jl:1168
What gone wrong?
thanks in a head