Makie: overlaying scatter plot onto heatmap in Pluto

I am working inside a Pluto notebook with WGLMakie and I have 3D volumes that I scrolling through using a PlutoUI.Slider and heatmap(volume[:, :, b]) where b is a Slider element. I have a label (segmentation) that I want to overlay on the heatmap in the form of an array of cartesian coordinates. I got this to work with Plots.jl but it looks really strange when I translate to Makie. Any changes that you see to make this more visually appealing?

Working Plots.jl version

# Cell 1
zs_l = unique(label_arr[:,3]);

# Cell 2
indices_l = findall(x -> x == zs_l[q], label_arr[:,3])

# Cell 3
@bind q Slider(1:length(zs_l), default=10, show_value=true)

# Cell 4
	plt_lbl = scatter(label_arr[:,1][indices_l], label_arr[:,2][indices_l], color="blue", alpha=0.9, markersize=1)
	heatmap!(plt_lbl, (img_array[:,:,zs_l[q]]), size=(5000, 5000), alpha=0.5, color=:grays)

Makie version:

# Cell 1
	sc, layout = layoutscene(resolution = (1200, 1200))

# Cell 2
heatmap!(sc, (img_array[:,:,zs_l[q]]), colormap=:grays)

# Cell 3
scatter!(sc, label_arr[:,1][indices_l], label_arr[:,2][indices_l])

To answer my own question it’s a simple adjustment

	sc = Scene()
	heatmap!(sc, (img_array[:,:,zs_l[q]]), colormap=:grays)
	scatter!(sc, label_arr[:,1][indices_l], label_arr[:,2][indices_l])