I output a heatmap, points and lines, to a scene in order to allow mouse interactions similar to this example.
However contrary to the example documentation no axis markings and labels appear. What to do, to get them?
My version of the sample:
import Pkg; Pkg.add("GLMakie"); using GLMakie
img = rand(100, 100)
scene = Scene(resolution = (500, 500))
# , scale_plot = false
heatmap!(scene, img)
clicks = Node(Point2f0[(0,0)])
#on(scene.events.mousebuttons) do buttons
on(scene.events.mousebutton) do buttons
if ispressed(scene, Mouse.left)
pos = to_world(scene, Point2f0(scene.events.mouseposition[]))
clicks[] = push!(clicks[], pos)
scatter!(scene, clicks, color = :red, marker = '+', markersize = 10)
# Do not execute beyond this point!
RecordEvents(scene, "output")