Makie "attributes" for figure, axis, and plot

Thank you. ? Axis does provide a lot of info - now I am just confused why help(Axis) is not the same, but that’s another story…
The scene concept was one that I missed, it explains partly why I didn’t find what I was expecting to find in figure, they are in figure.scene.
I had seen the thread that you reference, but unfortunately most links in it are dead, except for the issue which is still open.

On a side note, and in case this helps others exploring for attributes, typing <TAB> in the REPL to get suggestions does help, but there is a strange bug (feature?) in the REPL that requires to type <TAB> twice to see suggestions. So e.g. if you created a figure called fig, and then type fig. <TAB>, you see nothing. But if you type a second <TAB>, you see the suggestions and you can learn about attributes in fig. This partly explains why my attributes exploration was painful (I guess sometimes I was frustrated and was typing <TAB> repeatedly, so I was seeing suggestions, but at other times when I was not frustrated enough I didn’t see the suggestions).