I am developing in a remote server. I am connected to the server from my local machine via SSH. To enable X11 forwarding, I connect using the -Y option (i.e., ssh -Y). This allows me to use the GUI interface of the app running on the remote server; for example, if I start MATLAB form the terminal connected to the remote server, the MATLAB GUI shows up in an X-window.
Now, in the same environment, I’m not sure how to display Makie plots. An example script I run is
Yes, worked. Just tried it, had to install some missing libraries for CentOS, but after 1-2 hours it shows CairoMakie plots in an electron display via X on a Windows 10 desktop (XServer Xming).
Before I started I made sure to open a xterm to be sure that X system is doing as expected.
The above mentioned library are not needed for xterm, but for ElectronDisplay.jl (e.g. at-spi2-atk, gtk3-devel, libXScrnSaver). And .julia/artifacts/8731693ea495ec92614ea8a5da62f8e66909f0c1/chrome-sandbox needs to be:
-rwsr-xr-x. 1 root root 6322128 22. Dez 12:57 .julia/artifacts/8731693ea495ec92614ea8a5da62f8e66909f0c1/chrome-sandbox
but this is told by electron when used.
Thanks @t-bltg! SixelTerm.jl built using Sixels.jl works perfectly for me. It displays CairoMakie figures in the terminal directly. Because X11 forwarding was not working properly for GLMakie, I had to rely on UnicodePlots.jl to display the results calculated on a remote Linux cluster, but now I can use CairoMakie.jl and SixelTerm.jl.