Makie: adjusting axis scale / limits in 3D

Resurrecting this Makie thread as I cannot get the axes limits to work in 3D surface plots by using the keyword limits as indicated above. Running Julia Version 1.6.0-beta1.0 on Win10 VS Code.
PS: the following workaround sets NaNs outside the z-limits but the plot edges are not properly shaved… Is there any option to smooth the edges?

using Makie
x = y = LinRange(-2, 2, 200)
f(x,y) = -(x^2 + y^2)
scene = Scene(resolution = (1000, 1000))
zlimf(x,y) = -2 < (z = f(x,y)) < -0.5 ? z : NaN   # z-limiting function (workaround)
surface!(scene, x, y, zlimf)