I would like to use very non-isotropic axis scales in 3D scatter plots. I can set the limits of the axis, but couldn’t find a working way of changing the data scaling in x/y/z (so that the plot is not overly stretched in one dimension). Is there any easy way (without scaling the data itself)? I tried modifying the “scale” attribute of the Axis3D, to no avail.
minimal example:
using Makie
R = 4.0
x = randn(100_000)
y = randn(100_000)
z = randn(100_000) * R
lim = FRect3D((-4,-4,-4*R),(8,8,8*R))
scatter(x, y, z, markersize = 0.001, transparency=true, alpha=0.1, limits=lim)
how do I scale in z-dimension by 1/R ?