I see that other people had issues similar to mine last year with installing Plots.jl due to issues with FFMPEG, but it doesn’t look like the cause is the same. I’m just starting Julia, looking to use it instead of Python or R on a new machine learning project. I’m running macOS Catalina 10.15.6 on a 5k iMac. I have Julia 1.5.1 installed, and also JuliaPro-1.5.0-1. FFMPEG is installed via Home-brew
% which ffmpeg
Python is 3.8.5 installed using penv.
I have tried the build suggestion, and Pkg.update(), uninstalling, Pkg.gc(), reinstalling a specific version, etc.
Here is the error:
julia> using Plots
[ Info: Precompiling Plots [91a5bcdd-55d7-5caf-9e0b-520d859cae80]
Deps path: /Users/alun/.julia/packages/FFMPEG/guN1x/src/…/deps/deps.jl
ERROR: LoadError: FFMPEG not installed properly, run ] build FFMPEG
, restart Julia and try again
So I do that:
(@v1.5) pkg> build FFMPEG
Building FFMPEG → ~/.julia/packages/FFMPEG/guN1x/deps/build.log
┌ Error: Error building FFMPEG
│ ERROR: LoadError: LoadError: SystemError: opening file “/Applications/Julia-1.5.app/Contents/Resources/julia/share/julia/stdlib/v1.5/BinaryProvider/JuliaTeam.toml”: No such file or directory
So the error is around this part:
[10] redirect_download_target(::String) at /Users/alun/.julia/packages/BinaryProvider/IjWSK/src/JuliaTeam.jl:35
│ [11] (::BinaryProvider.JuliaTeam.var"#1#2"{BinaryProvider.var"#54#81"{BinaryProvider.var"#36#63"{String}}})(::String, ::String) at /Users/alun/.julia/packages/BinaryProvider/IjWSK/src/JuliaTeam.jl:18
│ [12] download(::String, ::String; verbose::Bool) at /Users/alun/.julia/packages/BinaryProvider/IjWSK/src/PlatformEngines.jl:608
│ [13] download_verify(::String, ::String, ::String; verbose::Bool, force::Bool, quiet_download::Bool) at /Users/alun/.julia/packages/BinaryProvider/IjWSK/src/PlatformEngines.jl:692
I fire up TextMate and have a look at this JuliaTeam.jl and I find:
function redirect_download_target(url::String)
package_server = Pkg.pkg_server()
package_server == nothing && return url
# Hot load the prefixes from the TOML file
if isfile(normpath(joinpath(DEPOT_PATH[1],“registries”,“JuliaPro”,“JuliaTeam.toml”)))
prefixes = TOML.parsefile(normpath(joinpath(DEPOT_PATH[1],“registries”,“JuliaPro”,“JuliaTeam.toml”)))[“prefixes”]
prefixes = TOML.parsefile(normpath(joinpath(Sys.STDLIB,“BinaryProvider”,“JuliaTeam.toml”)))[“prefixes”]
This last line seems to be the problem. It is looking for a file called JuliaTeam.toml in the Julia app package, and there is no such file, even though there is one at ~/.julia/packages/BinaryProvider/IjWSK
I also see:
I’m really not sure how to correct this. I don’t get such issues with Ruby gems or R packages, and a bit surprised to get it here.
Thanks for any suggestions.