@ScottPJones Besides being off-topic, I don’t think that disparaging another programming language in general terms (as opposed to, say, a comparative technical discussion) or its users leads to anything constructive. What you are doing reflects badly on the Julia community.
That seems a little harsh. But this is now far off-topic. Sorry about that.
Sorry! I was not meaning to be disparaging about the language, I simply find Julia much more capable, in many instances, and having to work with a language that doesn’t have the features that you’ve come to depend upon (whether that’s going from Python to Julia or vice-versa, or from Scheme/CLU to C) can be rather frustrating.
(and I didn’t say anything against picking Python for some project, rather against migrating wholesale to it and leaving Julia)
As far as being off-topic, I was just following the thread of conversation that you started
("For someone coming from another language, trying to recreate familiar features is all too natural. ")
Maybe the discussion should be split starting with your post?
I think that it’s supposed to be semi-sarcastic banter. But as most syntax discussions go, this seems to have taken a course through “the merits of language” to “the merits of reality” and devolved into a chat. Syntax discussions never seem to have a simple ending.
That’s great! Anyone who took 6.001** before Python displaced Scheme should remember that trick with fondness.
** 6.001 is the famous MIT intro to programming class that introduced SICP
(I had it the very first semester it was taught, in MacLisp**
and Algol, before it moved to a version of Scheme written in MacLisp for the second semester. Best class in my entire life!)
MacLisp being the Lisp developed as part of Project Mac, in which Macsyma was written, not a version of Lisp for the Mac, which didn’t exist yet!
The links in the first few responses answer the original question of expectations for what will be happening syntactically in the short to medium term (up to 1.0). Further general chat should move to gitter or reddit.