Looking for feedback from users that currently can't install Juliaup from the Windows Store

False in my case.

Ah, okay. I just know it’s true in mine. I guess it depends on your corporate settings…

I think the security at my compagny is quite tight and winget is not available…

EDIT: DO NOT USE the instructions from this reply.
If you hit the same issue the location of the julia.exe and juliaup.exe is supposed to be in C:\Users\<your username>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps, so add this to your PATH if it isn’t there and everything should work afterwards (by work I mean you can use the julia/juliaup command from the terminal)

I was just trying to install it on windows and everything went fine, but juliaup and julia were not added to PATH
I tried to figure out where they are and found them in a folder with no access to it, so had to follow this guide with the exception that I set my user as the owner of the directory to even look inside

Added these two path entries and it works now, but I think this was supposed to be easier than this, so I’m documenting my steps here

@krynju I would not add those folders to the PATH, that is not how Windows Store installed software works and I think you’ll run into lots of downstream problems with that.

Can you check whether the folder ~\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps has one julia.exe and one juliaup.exe file in it, each should be a zero-size file. And can you also check whether this folder is on your PATH? That is how it is supposed to be.

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I found the files in that path and it to PATH and now it works! Thanks!

For anyone looking for these files in that path - it doesn’t show up in explorer, you need to explicitly cd into that path to open explorer in ~\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps

As for the root cause I can 100% confirm the WindowsApps path wasn’t in my PATH before or wasn’t added during install. This is a pretty old install of Windows 10 Pro if that gives any clues

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So in general ~\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps should be always on the PATH, i.e. that is a standard Windows thing. My best guess is that some other program in the past might have removed it or something like that.