Looking for book recommendations

Looking for books for Julia,
I need one that takes my by the hand and leads me into the Julia REPL and then VScode environment.
Also a book that gives the syntax for all (or most?) of the Julia primitives. Found one but it was nearly $50!!! Ain’t got that kind of budget. If I got it, I couldn’t get any others until next calendar year. :frowning:

I already have, “Julia High Performance” by Sengupta, and a primer for beginners in Julia but it assumes you don’t even know programming so is almost a waste of time (and money.)

Books with small but complete code samples seem to help me the most.


I haven’t seen any particular book discussing Julia integration on VScode, but there are good introduction videos from last year’s JuliaCon, which you can find on youtube. Also, if you are not willing to pay in advance, check out the books on libgen and buy a hard copy afterwards, which you find precious.

If you already know to program well in some object-oriented language and know the slang then perhaps you could try to jump right into the “Hands-On Design Patterns and Best Practices with Julia”. In addition, check out Julia’s manual which is written quite well for newcomers.

Manual? There is a manual??? Is it in book form, or downloadable into a kindle?


Don’t know about Kindle but there’s a pdf here:

There IS a manual! Happy Days!!!

Now, if I can just figure out how to get it onto the tablet… (far too many pages to print out locally.)

Thank you immensely, nilshg!

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Here are a few video tutorials that might be of interest:

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nott sure if this is the only place to get it, but the EPub version of the Julia manual is here:


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Already have “Hands-On…” in Kindle format on the tablet. It’s, um, slow going? Haven’t gotten to the meat yet but it seems to be mostly about design and not syntax or semantics. Maybe that’s in the next chapter. :slight_smile:

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[Disclaimer, I’m the author] If you don’t matter a (free) multi-channel mooc… it is github-based with all pages being actual working Julia files (i.e. clone the repo and make your hands dirty by running the code directly on yr PC), you can just “read” the code and the output online, or you can watch the videos (15 hours).
Plus it has online quizzes and guided exercises.
I am in the process of “extracting” a PDF out of it, just it’s a lot of work to get it nicely formatted, but if you don’t matter I can compile one automatically, let me know.
For a 6 minutes presentation/program check out this video: SPMLJ 00 KOM 1 Course introduction [Intr to Sc Programming and ML with Julia] - YouTube


As you can see, the book is not the typical format for learning Julia :slight_smile:
However I have gathered several resources (including book links) here: https://gdalle.github.io/IntroJulia/


If it goes slow, that only suggests that you have yet to experience the pains of programming :nerd_face:. It may be better to read the manual and introductory sections from other Julia books.

Janis, while your premise is interesting, the conclusion you draw does not fit reality. :slight_smile: As implied, I have only been “programming” since 1977, for pay and with satisfied customers. Many languages used but my favorite is still “C” although from what I’m seeing, Julia may exceed even “C” if we can just get by the limitations of fielding the finished code.


Someone suggested Think Julia (Lauwens & Downey) to me a while a go. Still have to read it.

OP is probably not among the target audience for that book. From the preface:

…learning to program with Julia as the first programming language…

Got it onto the tablet. Thanks for that suggestion!

Jeff, apparently you’re taking that partial sentence out of context. Please reread the OP.

Thanks, Chris, but yes, I’ve watched a million (LONG) Julia videos. :slight_smile:
That’s why the OP requests book suggestions. Can’t take videos into the reading room. :slight_smile: Well, we can, but it’s a lot of trouble. And I can’t remember a 50-step process long enough to type them all in. :slight_smile: (Those ARE good videos.)


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This is not a manual - style reading, but I had a good time reading (the introductory parts of) Jeff Bezanson Thesis:

For someone with long experience in programming, it may be interesting.

The book is clearly meant for absolute beginner programmers, and you don’t qualify as an absolute beginner if you’ve been programming for 45 years.