help me plz
Please provide an mwe, as text - not an image. I don’t know what packages you’re using and what you expect to happen.
@gustaphe I want to load image using julia with command
didn’t work
That’s not the error I get – I get ERROR: UndefVarError: load not defined
, presumably because both load
and imshow
come from some package. MWE is too minimal and not enough working.
@gustaphe how can i see picture?
Based off the file path, I assume you’re on Windows? There’s a builtin image viewer iirc. Just double click the file in the explorer.
If you want to load the image in Julia, there’s an Images
@gustaphe Yes windows
imshow does not display Julia images
you need to create a particular Python array
I’ve spent about an hour trying
Best I could manage was greyscale
using Images, PyPlot
img = load("milano.jpg")
i = 1
px = Vector{Float64}(undef, size(img,1)*size(img,2))
for y in 1:size(ps,2)
for x in 1:size(ps,1)
px[i] = Float64(img[x,y].r) + Float64(img[x,y].g) + Float64(img[x,y].b)
i += 1
px ./ 3;
imshow(reshape(px, size(img,1), size(img,2)); cmap="gray")
using GMT
img = gmtread("");
imshow(img, frame=:none)
This is probably the most basic way:
using Images, ImageView
img = load("shakespeare.jpeg");
you wait 18 days for a reply, and then 3 show up at once