Linux Foundation has announced the High Performance Software Foundation (HPSF)

The Linux Foundation this morning announced the creation of the High Performance Software Foundation (HPSF) to drive an open source software stack for High Performance Computing (HPC).

The goals of the HPSF are:

  • Serve as a neutral home for key projects in the high performance software ecosystem
  • Promote use of HPSF projects in many open source communities and organizations
  • Provide a transparent governance model that allows stakeholders from government, industry, and academia to steward the ecosystem together
  • Provide a clear path to incubate and onboard promising new projects
  • Ensure that HPC software is accessible and reliable by providing CI and turn-key builds
  • Ensure that HPC software is secure and ready for cloud through collaborations with CNCF and OpenSSF
  • Sponsor events and training to grow a diverse, skilled workforce for software in the HPSF ecosystem

Is the Julia community involved in this in any way?


@xiaoxi I posted the same thing. I would encourage the Julia Language committee to participate.

I emailed Todd Gamblin to ask if personal memberships will be though about.