Link to "First Steps" has wrong URL

The link to the “First Steps” subcategory in the description of “Usage” is wrong, as it has “usage” in the URL instead of “user”, that is vs

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Thank you. Fixed.

I am taking the “Nervous Beginners” course in JuliaAcademy. Great course that helps me to learn a lot about proper syntax and some of the amazing features built into Julia Language.

I know this original post was 6 years ago, but I have finished nearly all of the lessons and they each mention homework. I wanted to find out those assignments still exist, so I can test myself on each of the topics that I had learned?

I tried the links by @pkofod (different course, of course :sweat_smile:) but the links are either private or do not exist anymore.

If the material still exists, would someone kindly update the link here, or preferably post them in JuliaAcademy?

I think I was linking to a category/subforum here on discourse, not a specific course I’m afraid :slight_smile:

I am working through my 3rd course in JuliaAcademy. If there are any additional chats or posts for JA here in Discourse, I would appreciate a link… I mean, a link from ANYONE who still maintains or supports JA. Not pointing a finger at you @pkofod.

JuliaAcademy is really nice!