I am interested in the computation of the determinant of a (very sparse) matrix involving a symbolic variable.
My code is
using Symbolics, LinearAlgebra, SparseArrays
N = 11
FloatType = Float64
c = zeros(FloatType, N)
for k in 2:N
c[k] = (k - 1)/(2.0*(N - 1))
A = zeros(FloatType, N, N)
A[2, 1] = c[2]
for k in 3:N
A[k, 1] = c[k] - 1
A[k, k-1] = 1
A = sparse(A)
display(A); println()
b = zeros(FloatType, N)
b[N] = 1.0
b = sparse(b)
@variables z
display(I - z * A + z * ones(FloatType, N) * b'); println()
println("Start computing determinant")
Determinant = det(I - z * A + z * ones(FloatType, N) * b')
println("Start expanding")
Determinant = expand(Determinant)
So I use the det from Julia Linear Algebra and the symbolic variable from Symbolics.jl.
For small N the program runs somewhat quick, but already for the given N=11 it takes literally ages. Is there any hope to speed this up?
I can run the same problem for instance in Mathematica in basically no time, even for N=100 it returns instantly.
Here’s a solution using Nemo.jl, which finishes under 3 seconds for N=100. Nemo has its own matrix type, which is a little different from Julia’s own Matrix. I also use Nemo’s rational number type QQ instead of Float64. Unfortunately, Nemo does not support sparse matrices, so I’m computing with a dense matrix, which will cause memory usage problems if N is really large.
using Nemo, LinearAlgebra
N = 100
r, z = PolynomialRing(QQ, "z")
c = fill(r(0), N) # `r(0)` is the zero polynomial. `c` is a vector of polynomials
for k in 2:N
c[k] = r((k - 1)//(2*(N - 1)))
A = MatrixSpace(r, N, N)() # This is using Nemo's matrix type. Intialized to zero matrix
A[2, 1] = c[2]
for k in 3:N
A[k, 1] = c[k] - r(1)
A[k, k-1] = r(1)
b = MatrixSpace(r, 1, N)()
b[1, N] = r(1)
matrix = MatrixSpace(r, N, N)(1) - z * A + z * MatrixSpace(r, N, 1)(r(1)) * b
display(Matrix(matrix)) # convert back to Julia's native Matrix type before calling `display`, as Nemo's printing of matrices is not as pretty
@time Determinant = det(matrix) # Nemo expands polynomials by default. No need to expand further
Thanks, do you also know a function how to convert the coefficients of the determinant of type fmpq back to something like Float64 ? I couldn’t find something immediately in the docs.
You’re right. The constructor only fills the diagonal elements, which is just one element in this special case. You could also first construct a Julia matrix and then convert it.