Learn and Use Linux for Programming

Julia and Linux user here – have been enjoying reading your thoughts. Don’t jump ship! :joy:

Just a thought: although I agree in principle that Julia does not fully ascribe to the Unix philosophy, I do find it fits very nicely into its world somehow. Kind of like how (Neo)Vi(m) is “just a text editor” but when everything is text, then it can do everything. Similarly, with Julia being designed “just for scientific computing” but if Feyerabend and/or Kuhn is to be followed that everything is of scientific interest, then Julia has a place in most if not all discussions.

Reminds me of a neat post by @mbauman on Julia being “The Last Programming Language” (link: Julia as first language - #48 by mbauman)

But perhaps I am just waxing a bit poetic and not making any sense here – all that to say, glad to have you around Ben! :smile: