Julia as first language

It’s quite challenging to describe the foremost goals of an open-source community writ large. It’s even harder to prescribe what people need to work on. There are many contributors and many motivations. But the initial rallying cry which introduced the language to the world still serves as a decent vision for many of us.

Personally, I think a foremost goal for the language is to be the last language. And for it to be someone’s last language, of course they need to learn it. Necessarily, the community grew from folks who already knew programming in the early days, but now it’s definitely important to be able to speak to much broader audiences.

So, yes, I do think it’s significantly important for us to address onboarding roadbumps and papercuts. And to do that we do need the help of newcomers. It’s not always obvious where these bumps are, and squeaky wheels get the grease. Sometimes, though, it is obvious and there are deep reasons that have prevented us from doing better, despite folks’ best efforts and desires.