Dear all,
I’m trying to use pyplot to build some plots for my presentations, but fail to make it understand that latex text must use standard latex fonts. If you run the following code to generate the plot, look at the very last ‘text(…)’ line, and you’ll see that the text is not written with the standard math font
E_r12r6_a60 = [
128 3.17163262103601652E-004 3.04754234834055342E-005
256 3.55329500041287063E-004 5.43034214474548817E-005
384 2.08699801081502499E-004 4.84644066530111190E-005
512 4.68851824394179912E-005 3.76658372340429136E-005
640 -6.66964350400179120E-005 1.91205674836690072E-005
768 -5.74604545388544808E-005 4.75236802203928354E-005
896 -1.97918380296343270E-004 5.59914036193412843E-005
# V = r9 - r6, as=60
E_r9r6_a60 = [
384 1.21280095783323673E-004 1.15049519218257177E-005
512 3.56601262113847618E-005 1.72789313480468575E-005
640 8.86063423189557728E-005 2.55024026484808185E-005
768 -1.12896944851750277E-004 2.82911400460744625E-005
898 -1.04664038748627936E-004 4.26086017518738101E-005
1024 -2.56311096809557603E-005 9.35155139386825067E-005
1280 -3.23258472327046711E-004 9.07936725792574752E-005
# V = r12, as=60
E_r12_a60 = [
256 1.81480315775224983E-004 9.73734651855710067E-006
384 1.36113406511794972E-004 1.55201725330955719E-005
512 8.09446597061414430E-005 2.06775684668961166E-005
640 5.89765443188127326E-005 2.88503761209600540E-005
768 -7.78756532543384224E-005 3.87389923780498535E-005
898 -2.51162620852888826E-004 8.09722706303436795E-005
1024 -2.07016022574518994E-004 9.01942302802278807E-005
1280 -1.56478388392424709E-004 1.05340438481837134E-004
1536 -2.39733040213125124E-004 1.41151925834172352E-004
# columns to plot
x1 = E_r12r6_a60[:,1];
y1 = E_r12r6_a60[:,2];
e1 = E_r12r6_a60[:,3];
x2 = E_r9r6_a60[:,1];
y2 = E_r9r6_a60[:,2];
e2 = E_r9r6_a60[:,3];
x3 = E_r12_a60[:,1];
y3 = E_r12_a60[:,2];
e3 = E_r12_a60[:,3];
# ----- max and min X to plot a 0 line
XX = vcat(x1,x2,x3)
xmin = minimum(XX)
xmax = maximum(XX)
ax = gca() # Get the handle of the current axis
ax = gca()
# log scale on the Y axis
# ax[:set_xscale]("log") # Set the x axis to a logarithmic scaleå
ax[:set_yscale]("linear") # Set the x axis to a logarithmic scale
# Title of the plot
# rc("font",family="serif") # "monospace" "sans"
font_size_title = 16
#titlefont = font("Times",font_size_title)
#titlefont = font("Times", 14)
title("Energy of the Droplets",fontsize=font_size_title)
# First the isolated points, with the color. s=20 is the size of the point
point_size = 30
line_width = 1
line_style = "dashed" #solid"
plot(x1, y1, linestyle=line_style, linewidth=line_width, color="red")
errorbar(x1,y1,yerr=e1,fmt="r ")
plot(x2, y2, linestyle=line_style, linewidth=line_width, color="blue")
errorbar(x2,y2,yerr=e2,fmt="b ")
plot(x3, y3, linestyle=line_style, linewidth=line_width,color="green")
errorbar(x3,y3,yerr=e3,fmt="b ")
# plot the zero line
font_labels_size = 14;
setp(ax[:get_xticklabels](),fontsize=font_labels_size,color="black") # X Axis font formatting
setp(ax[:get_yticklabels](),fontsize=font_labels_size,color="black") # Y Axis font formatting
font1 = Dict("family"=>"family",#family",
# handletextpad controls the sapce between the symbol and the label in the legend
location = "upper right"
location = "lower left"
legend(fontsize=14,handletextpad=0.5,loc=location,frameon=false) # Create a legend of all the existing plots using their labels as names
How can I make it understand that the text in the L"…" form must use the latex standard fonts? I tried installing and using the LaTeXStrings package to no avail…
Thanks in advance,