However, for the life of me, I cannot get it to work.
I am new to emacs, so I don’t really know what I am doing. But I tried a few different permutations like:
based on what I’ve read online.
I do not have a mental model of what is going on.
I can confirm that company-mode is on with M-x company-mode. I also tried to check the variables with M-x customize-variable RET company-backends, and see that the end of the list says User defined: company-math-symbols-unicode
where company-math-symbols-unicode is in a text-box.
However, there does not seem to be any sort of auto-completion. For example, typing \alpha and then hitting [TAB] does nothing at all.
I did try julia-repl, but had an issue with extra close-brackets appearing when I send text from the editor to the REPL with C-RET or C-c C-c. That is, x = [i for i in 1:4] would send x = [i for i in 1:4]] to the REPL, which throws an error.
I didn’t file an issue because I’m not sure where the problem is. It might be related to OhMyREPL. I may try removing that line from my startup.jl and retrying julia-repl later.
Commenting here in case that is a known issue.
I use
(add-hook 'julia-mode-hook 'julia-math-mode)
(add-hook 'inferior-julia-mode-hook 'julia-math-mode)
to insert Unicode math just like in latex, I find it extremely convenient.
Yes, I added it in Insertion of math symbols in julia using auctex's mechanism by antoine-levitt · Pull Request #42 · JuliaEditorSupport/julia-emacs · GitHub by simply reusing auctex’s machinery (isn’t emacs wonderful?). It’s very convenient if you’re used to typing latex: you type “`” (or whatever character you want: I use ù because that’s easily accessible on a french keyboard and not frequently used in code) then “a” and it inserts \alpha (in latex mode) or α (in julia mode). I actually like it so much that I use it for every mode (eg email or note taking), like so: