Knet questions

Unfortunately, the knet.jl intro video from the 2017 Julia Conf seems to be missing audio for at least half of the talk…

One thing I noticed was that there was a slide that defined a function using an @knet macro:

@knet function f(x1,x2)
return relu(x1) + x1.*x2 - soft(x2)

But when I tried this in the REPL:

julia> using Knet
julia> @knet function f(x1,x2)
return relu(x1) + x1.*x2 - soft(x2)
ERROR: UndefVarError: @knet not defined

Is the @knet macro deprecated? If so what is used now?

That part of the video shows what you had to do in Knet7, which used static computational graphs. It does not apply to Knet8 which uses AutoGrad and dynamic computational graphs.

Knet has extensive documentation and you should be using them. Home · Knet.jl