Jupyter lab StackOverflowError when computing inverse matrix

I recently updated Julia to version 1.7. When trying to do a straightforward computation in the Jupyterlab environment such as:

using Random


A = rand(1000, 1000)


I get the following error (literally just one word and nothing else):


The same commands ran on the REPL do not give this error. I tried with my Anaconda-installed Jupyter lab and the installation using the IJulia package, but it made no difference. Only the VSCode implementation of the Jupyter notebook works. The issue in VSCode is that I cannot instantiate a multi-threaded kernel.

Any idea what could be going on and how can I fix it?


Hey @mrazomej, welcome to the forum!

If you are on macOS, it may be this bug:

Unfortunately it was overlooked before launch. We need to wait until a new version comes to have it fixed. Another option is using MKL instead of openblas as the linear algebra library.


Thank you so much! I’ll downgrade to 1.6 in the meantime then.

Yes, I think it has to be 1.6.3 because 1.6.4 has the same issue.

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