I’m modelling a biochemical system using JumpProcesses.jl. I am coupling a continuous ODE to a jumpset which includes MassActionJumps, ConstantRateJumps and unbounded VariableRateJumps.
When I increase my tspan, or in certain parameter conditions I hit MaxIters. This system is stiff and when I solve this system deterministically I use Rodas4. I can’t see options to use anything other than Tsit5 when solving a jump problem which includes unbounded variable rate jumps, but Tsit5 is a solver for non-stiff problems, so I’m wondering if this is why I’m hitting MaxIters.
Ideally I’d like a solution that avoids having to increase the MaxIters to keep computation time down. Any tips on this would be much appreciated.
Thanks, I thought that would be the case, I get this error when trying to use any other solver than Tsit5 - ERROR: MethodError: no method matching strides(::ExtendedJumpArray{Float64, 1, Vector{Float64}, Vector{Float64}}). Do you have any suggestions as to what could be causing that?