Jump model SCS Optimizer

Hello, julia community. Recently, I aim to solve a large scale optimization problem, which contains 10M exp cone. When I try to model it by using JUMP, it is too slow.

@constraint(jump_model, con[i=1:m], [x[m*n + 2*i - 1], 1.0, x[m*n + 2*i]] in MOI.ExponentialCone())

Hence, I try to use scs inner api to solve it directly.
I try to use the following code:

function fisher_market_old(m, n)    
    rng = Random.MersenneTwister(1)
    w = rand(rng, m)  
    u = rand(rng, m, n)
    b = 0.25*m*ones(n)

    m, n = size(u)
    model = Model(SCS.Optimizer)

    @variable(model, x[1:n, 1:m] >= 0) 
    @variable(model, p[1:2 * m])          

    @objective(model, Min, -sum(w[i] * p[2(i-1)+1] for i in 1:m))

    for j in 1:n
        @constraint(model, sum(x[j, i] for i in 1:m) == b[j])

    for i in 1:m
        @constraint(model, p[2(i-1)+1] == sum(u[i, j] * x[j, i] for j in 1:n))
        @constraint(model, [p[2(i-1)+1], 1.0, p[2(i-1)+2]] in MOI.ExponentialCone()) 
    JLD2.save("./fisher_market_data/fisher_market_m_$(m)_n_$(n)_pure_random.jld2", "u", u, "w", w, "b", b)

    println("Optimal solution found.")
    optimal_value = -objective_value(model)
    println("Optimal value: ", optimal_value)

function fisher_market_load_data_scs_api(m, n)
    data = JLD2.load("./fisher_market_data/fisher_market_m_$(m)_n_$(n)_pure_random.jld2")
    u = data["u"]
    w = data["w"]
    btilde = data["b"]
    b = zeros(m * n + m + n + 3m)
    b[1:n] .= btilde
    for i in 1:m
        # b[m * n + n + 3(i - 1) + 2] = -1.0
        b[m * n + n + m + 3(i - 1) + 2] = -1.0
    u = vec(u')
    sparse_u = sparse(u)
    nnz_u = nnz(sparse_u)
    row_indices = zeros(Int, nnz_u)
    for i = 1:nnz_u
        row_indices[i] = (sparse_u.nzind[i] - 1) ÷ n + 1 + n

    c = zeros(m*n + 2*m)
    @views c[m*n+1:2:m*n+2*m-1] .= -w
    row1 = 1:(m * n)
    row1 = row1 .+ n .+ m
    col1 = 1:(m * n)
    val1 = fill(1.0, m * n)
    rows = repeat(1:n, m)
    cols = repeat((0:(m-1)) * n, inner=n) .+ repeat(1:n, m)
    values = ones(n * m)
    rows = vcat([rows, row1]...)
    cols = vcat([cols, col1]...)
    val = vcat([values, val1]...)

    row2 = row_indices
    col2 = sparse_u.nzind
    val2 = -sparse_u.nzval
    row = vcat([rows, row2]...)
    col = vcat([cols, col2]...)
    val = vcat([val, val2]...)

    row3 = (n+1) : (n+m)
    row3 = row3
    col3 = m * n .+ 2 .* (1:m)  .- 1
    val3 = fill(1.0, m)

    row = vcat([row, row3]...)
    col = vcat([col, col3]...)
    val = vcat([val, val3]...)

    row4 = vcat([[3*i + 1, 3i+3] for i in 0:(m-1)]...) .+ (m + n)
    row4 = row4 .+ (n * m)
    col4 = Vector{Integer}(1:2m)
    col4 = col4 .+ (m * n)
    val4 = fill(1.0, 2m)
    row = vcat([row, row4]...)
    col = vcat([col, col4]...)
    val = vcat([val, val4]...)
    A = sparse(row, col, val, m + n + 3m + m *n, m*n + m + m)
    A = SparseMatrixCSC(A)
    mA, nA = size(A)
    println("mA: ", mA)
    println("nA: ", nA)
    println("A.nzval[end-10:end]: ", A.nzval)
    println("A.rowval[end-10:end]: ", A.rowval)
    println("A.colptr[end-10:end]: ", A.colptr)
    println("c: ", c)
    println("b: ", -b)
    # dataA = JLD2.load("./A.jld2")
    # A = dataA["A"]
    sol_res = SCS.scs_solve(
        sparse(zeros(nA, nA)),
        m + n, # z
        m * n, # l
        Float64[], # bu
        Float64[], # bl
        Vector{Integer}([]), # q
        Vector{Integer}([]), # s

fisher_market_old(3, 1)
fisher_market_load_data_scs_api(3, 1)

Now, I observe that the matrix that I constructed is the same as jump model:

In jump interface: 
A.nzval: [1.0, -0.00790928339056074, 1.0, 1.0, -0.4886128300795012, 1.0, 1.0, -0.21096820215853596, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
A.rowval: [0, 1, 4, 0, 2, 5, 0, 3, 6, 1, 7, 9, 2, 10, 12, 3, 13, 15]
A.colptr: [0, 3, 6, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18]

In my constructation:
A.nzval: [1.0, -0.00790928339056074, 1.0, 1.0, -0.4886128300795012, 1.0, 1.0, -0.21096820215853596, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
A.rowval: [1, 2, 5, 1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 7, 2, 8, 10, 3, 11, 13, 4, 14, 16]
A.colptr: [1, 4, 7, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19]

The only difference is zeroindex and oneindex. And if I save the data from jump and load it by using the following code, then the result is the same.

in scs moi wrapper: 
JLD2.save("A.jld2", "A", A)

in my code load:
  dataA = JLD2.load("./A.jld2")
  A = dataA["A"]

Hence, my question is how to accelerated building a model with 10M cone or why the scs result can not be reproduce, since zero-index or one-index?

This is my testing code.

function test()
    rng = Random.MersenneTwister(1)
    m = 3
    n = 1
    u = rand(rng, m, n)
    w = rand(rng, m)
    btilde = rand(rng, n)
    ######## generate data ########
    b = zeros(m * n + m + n + 3m)
    b[1:n] .= btilde
    for i in 1:m
        # b[m * n + n + 3(i - 1) + 2] = -1.0
        b[m * n + n + m + 3(i - 1) + 2] = -1.0
    u = vec(u')
    sparse_u = sparse(u)
    nnz_u = nnz(sparse_u)
    row_indices = zeros(Int, nnz_u)
    for i = 1:nnz_u
        row_indices[i] = (sparse_u.nzind[i] - 1) ÷ n + 1 + n

    c = zeros(m*n + 2*m)
    @views c[m*n+1:2:m*n+2*m-1] .= -w
    row1 = 1:(m * n)
    row1 = row1 .+ n .+ m
    col1 = 1:(m * n)
    val1 = fill(1.0, m * n)
    rows = repeat(1:n, m)
    cols = repeat((0:(m-1)) * n, inner=n) .+ repeat(1:n, m)
    values = ones(n * m)
    rows = vcat([rows, row1]...)
    cols = vcat([cols, col1]...)
    val = vcat([values, val1]...)

    row2 = row_indices
    col2 = sparse_u.nzind
    val2 = -sparse_u.nzval
    row = vcat([rows, row2]...)
    col = vcat([cols, col2]...)
    val = vcat([val, val2]...)

    row3 = (n+1) : (n+m)
    row3 = row3
    col3 = m * n .+ 2 .* (1:m)  .- 1
    val3 = fill(1.0, m)

    row = vcat([row, row3]...)
    col = vcat([col, col3]...)
    val = vcat([val, val3]...)

    row4 = vcat([[3*i + 1, 3i+3] for i in 0:(m-1)]...) .+ (m + n)
    row4 = row4 .+ (n * m)
    col4 = Vector{Integer}(1:2m)
    col4 = col4 .+ (m * n)
    val4 = fill(1.0, 2m)
    row = vcat([row, row4]...)
    col = vcat([col, col4]...)
    val = vcat([val, val4]...)
    A = sparse(row, col, val, m + n + 3m + m *n, m*n + m + m)
    A = SparseMatrixCSC(A)
    mA, nA = size(A)
    ######### solve with scs #########

    model = Model(SCS.Optimizer)
    @variable(model, x[1:nA])
    @objective(model, Min, c' * x)
    @constraint(model, A[1:m+n, :] * x .== b[1:m+n]) # 1:m+n
    @constraint(model, A[m+n+1:m+n+m*n, :] * x .>= b[m+n+1:m+n+m*n]) # m+n+1:m+n+m*n
    @constraint(model, con[i=1:m], [A[m+n+m*n+3(i-1)+1, :]' * x - b[m+n+m*n+3(i-1)+1], A[m+n+m*n+3(i-1)+2, :]' * x - b[m+n+m*n+3(i-1)+2], A[m+n+m*n+3(i-1)+3, :]' * x - b[m+n+m*n+3(i-1)+3]] in MOI.ExponentialCone())
    println("objective_value: ", objective_value(model))
    println("x: ", value.(x))

    sol_res = SCS.scs_solve(
        sparse(zeros(nA, nA)),
        m + n, # z
        m * n, # l
        Float64[], # bu
        Float64[], # bl
        Vector{Integer}([]), # q
        Vector{Integer}([]), # s


The function of jump moi wrapper and scs_solve are different?

This is an exceedingly large problem. I don’t know if JuMP (or SCS) is the right tool to solve this problem.

I’ll take a look at your SCS issue, Different results when using Jump wrapper and scs_solve · Issue #304 · jump-dev/SCS.jl · GitHub, but you likely have a bug in your SCS code.

Thank you for your reply in Github issue. Yeah, since this is a very large scale problem, so I try to use scs_solve but not jump interface.

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