JuMP / SCS tutorial example fails on simple(?) data

Using the code verbatim as provided in the JuMP conic programming tutorial the SCS solver fails after 100,000 iterations on the matrix of five 2-D points below

julia> S
5×2 Matrix{Float64}:
 39.1  18.7
 39.5  17.4
 40.3  18.0
 36.7  19.3
 39.3  20.6


100000| 1.73e+14  6.42e+07  1.65e+14 -8.27e+13  1.00e-06  1.07e+00 
status:  unbounded (inaccurate - reached max_iters)
timings: total: 1.07e+00s = setup: 1.40e-04s + solve: 1.07e+00s
	 lin-sys: 8.45e-02s, cones: 8.13e-01s, accel: 2.53e-02s
objective = -inf (inaccurate)
Test Failed at /home/healyp/res/ellipse/src/ell.jl:33
  Expression: is_solved_and_feasible(model)

Could anybody please offer any advice / suggestions?

Try CSDP Optimizer; SCS has numerical problems with this example of S

Try Clarabel.jl. I’ll update the docs to use it too.

Thank you – and please don’t mistake silence for ingratitude :slight_smile:

For this, and a more realistic example, CSDP ran to completion.

@odow Thank you, also, but Clarabel.jl also choked on the toy example I provided above.

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