Using the code verbatim as provided in the JuMP conic programming tutorial the SCS solver fails after 100,000 iterations on the matrix of five 2-D points below
julia> S
5×2 Matrix{Float64}:
39.1 18.7
39.5 17.4
40.3 18.0
36.7 19.3
39.3 20.6
100000| 1.73e+14 6.42e+07 1.65e+14 -8.27e+13 1.00e-06 1.07e+00
status: unbounded (inaccurate - reached max_iters)
timings: total: 1.07e+00s = setup: 1.40e-04s + solve: 1.07e+00s
lin-sys: 8.45e-02s, cones: 8.13e-01s, accel: 2.53e-02s
objective = -inf (inaccurate)
Test Failed at /home/healyp/res/ellipse/src/ell.jl:33
Expression: is_solved_and_feasible(model)
Could anybody please offer any advice / suggestions?