Hello, I see significantly worse perf in the julia implementation. Also scaling seems linear on R side and quadratic on Julia sideβ¦
[MWE below at the bottom, in R and Julia]
- in R/CVXR/scs, (in seconds)
# A tibble: 4 x 5
nCol nRow moment setupTm solveTm
<dbl> <dbl> <dttm> <dbl> <dbl>
1 36 200 2019-12-01 10:09:56 0.0868 0.0389
2 36 1000 2019-12-01 10:09:56 0.0319 0.0658
3 36 5000 2019-12-01 10:09:56 0.0409 0.265
4 36 10000 2019-12-01 10:09:56 0.0529 0.676
- in julia/convex.jl/scs.jl
4Γ5 DataFrame
β Row β nCol β nRow β moment1 β setupTm β solveTm β
β β Int64 β Int64 β DateTime β Float64 β Float64 β
β 1 β 36 β 200 β 2019-12-01T10:26:16.791 β 0.001 β 0.096 β
β 2 β 36 β 1000 β 2019-12-01T10:26:16.888 β 0.0 β 1.285 β
β 3 β 36 β 5000 β 2019-12-01T10:26:18.173 β 0.002 β 49.869 β
β 4 β 36 β 10000 β 2019-12-01T10:27:08.044 β 0.014 β 225.797 β
- Timing is around 300 times longer for the julia package for the largest(but still fairly small) run.
- Julia
- This is the code from function βtest4β, but
is now a variable to optimise, instead of a parameter. - I specify below
SCSSolver( linear_solver= SCS.Directβ¦)
so that both (julia and R) programs run the same algo:Direct
is the default setting in CVXR. βIndirectβ seems faster by a factor of 2, this does not change the larger storyβ¦ - SCS version under R is 2.1.1 ,under Julia 2.0.2.
- This is the code from function βtest4β, but
df5= DataFrame(nCol = Int64[], nRow= Int64[], moment1=DateTime[], setupTm=Float64[], solveTm=Float64[])
for nRow in [200,1000,5000,10000] #different problem sizes
s = Variable(m)
x = Variable(n); # TODO: This is also more interesting with x = Variable(n)
# We can compare it to minimize norm(A*x-b, 1) in Matlab with variable x
A = randn(m,n)
b = randn(m)
p = Problem(:minimize,sum(s), [A*x - b <= s, A*x - b >= -s, x>-10, x< 10, sum(x) >10])
moment2= Dates.now()
solve!(p,SCSSolver( linear_solver= SCS.Direct, max_iters= 10))
#----------------------------------------- 3 solve problem
moment3= Dates.now()
#----------------------------------------- 4 collect timings.
- R
#for (bscale in c(0.1,0.3,1,2))
for (nRow in c(200,1000,5000,10000)){
AA = matrix(rnorm(nRow*nCol),ncol=nCol)
b = rnorm(nRow)
s <- Variable( nrow( AA)) # les coeffs d'investissement
x <- Variable( ncol( AA))
objective1 = Minimize( sum(s) )
constraints = list( x< 10, x > -10,
AA %*% x - b <= s,
AA %*% x - b >= -s,
sum( x) > 10)
prob1 = Problem( objective1, constraints)
moment2 = Sys.time()
solut2 = psolve( prob1,verbose=TRUE,solver="SCS",max_iters=10,warm_start=FALSE)
# sc_a = solut1$getValue(a)
moment3 = Sys.time()
df3=df3 %>% add_row(nCol=nCol,nRow=nRow,moment=moment1,setupTm=moment2-moment1,solveTm=moment3-moment2)
session info
- FWIW I have run a chunk where A is non random (hence reproducible) with A[i,j] = 1/(i+j) and CVXR/convex.jl give essentially the same answers.
Any feedback useful, including pointing out errors in my test. Should I open an issue on GitHub? I would like to try and solve this problem! Cheers!