I have a rather large JuMP model which takes >0.2 seconds to build but only 0.1 seconds to solve. I have to solve this model thousands of times with only a small change to a portion of the constraints, it therefore seems like a good use for delete. However, I’m finding delete is slower than building a new model, see a minimum working example below
using JuMP
using HiGHS
x_min =rand(100,100)
@time begin
m = Model(HiGHS.Optimizer)
@variable(m, x[1:100,1:100])
@constraint(m, x_min_con, x .>= x_min)
@objective(m, Min, sum(x))
end # 0.032046 seconds (316.76 k allocations: 21.476 MiB, 55.44% compilation time)
@time delete(m, vec(x_min_con)) # 1.134940 seconds (95.95 k allocations: 1.360 GiB, 7.62% gc time)
# need to rebuild the model
@time delete.(m, x_min_con) # 1.145643 seconds (105.96 k allocations: 1.360 GiB, 7.59% gc time)
If you don’t use and optimiser the deletion times are similar to the model times, I’ve tried using both Gurobi and HiGHS which both cause the far larger deletion times.
Am I using delete wrong here? Or is it possible that rebuilding the model can be orders of magnitude faster than deleting?
What part of the constraints are you changing? There might be a better way than deleting.
In general, deleting a constraint is an expensive operation, because we need to modify the constraint matrix, and update the mapping between JuMP constraints and the row inside the solver.
We should be able to improve things somewhat though, because this is a clear bottleneck in JuMP, not HiGHS:
using JuMP
using HiGHS
x_min = rand(100,100)
@time begin
m = Model(HiGHS.Optimizer)
@variable(m, x[1:100, 1:100])
@constraint(m, x_min_con, x .>= x_min)
@objective(m, Min, sum(x))
using ProfileView
ProfileView.@profview delete.(m, x_min_con)
The widest part is all about deleting elements from an ordered dictionary which maps constraint indices to their row in the solver.
Despite this it seems you have achieved the improvements by a PR in HiGHS.jl, so I presume that the same issue will be present in Gurobi?
julia> using JuMP
julia> using Gurobi
julia> function main(flag)
x_min = rand(100,100)
m = Model(Gurobi.Optimizer) # not a direct model
@variable(m, x[1:100, 1:100])
@constraint(m, x_min_con, x .>= x_min)
@objective(m, Min, sum(x))
# y = vec(x_min_con)
if flag
@time delete(m, vec(x_min_con))
@time delete.(m, x_min_con)
return m
main (generic function with 1 method)
julia> main(true);
0.787790 seconds (40.03 k allocations: 1.865 MiB)
julia> main(false);
0.795973 seconds (50.04 k allocations: 1.866 MiB)
julia> main(true);
0.798421 seconds (40.03 k allocations: 1.865 MiB)
julia> main(false);
0.795956 seconds (50.04 k allocations: 1.866 MiB)
Is it possible to also improve this for Gurobi using a similar method?
Despite this it seems you have achieved the improvements by a PR in HiGHS.jl, so I presume that the same issue will be present in Gurobi?
To clarify, I meant it was a problem in the Julia side of things, not in the upstream C++ solver ERGO-Code/HiGHS. So yes, this will also need a similar fix in Gurobi.jl.