I have a question about the modifications and queries of a model with jump. If I use a jump model with set_objective_coefficient and set_normalized_coefficient, the computational times are 25 times slower than with a direct model.
Also, using normalized_coefficient is very slow (about 7 to 9 seconds on my machine to query 10000 coefficients).
I have uploaded a code to this message illustrating the problem. The output that I have is :
Set objective and constraint coefficients with model
24.952014 seconds (20.13 M allocations: 1.075 GiB, 1.06% gc time, 0.06% compilation time)
Set objective and constraint coefficients with direct model
1.001638 seconds (50.12 M allocations: 920.339 MiB, 3.52% gc time)
Read constraint coefficients with model
7.129312 seconds (1.46 M allocations: 15.767 GiB, 5.58% gc time)
Read constraint coefficients with direct model
8.741839 seconds (1.66 M allocations: 16.893 GiB, 5.37% gc time, 0.66% compilation time)
details: macos 15.0.01, julia 1.11.1, JuMP 1.23.4, Gurobi.jl 1.4.0, Gurobi 12.0
Remarks : using HiGHS, the modifications with the direct model are not much more efficient and the queries with the direct model are sky rocketing:
Set objective and constraint coefficients with model
25.451973 seconds (20.12 M allocations: 1.074 GiB, 1.86% gc time)
Set objective and constraint coefficients with direct model
Running HiGHS 1.8.1 (git hash: 4a7f24ac6): Copyright (c) 2024 HiGHS under MIT licence terms
21.774826 seconds (20.18 M allocations: 465.435 MiB, 0.59% gc time, 0.21% compilation time)
Read constraint coefficients with model
8.749680 seconds (1.46 M allocations: 15.767 GiB, 7.62% gc time, 0.06% compilation time)
Read constraint coefficients with direct model
156.650799 seconds (1.87 M allocations: 21.628 GiB, 0.76% gc time, 0.04% compilation time)
Do I do something wrong ?
Thank you in advance for any insight,
Best regards,
module scjulia
using JuMP
using Gurobi
const GRB_ENV_REF = Ref{Gurobi.Env}()
function __init__()
global GRB_ENV_REF
GRB_ENV_REF[] = Gurobi.Env()
function set_coefficient_model()
create_optimizer() = Gurobi.Optimizer(GRB_ENV_REF[])
model = Model(create_optimizer)
@variable(model, x[1:10000])
@constraint(model, constr[1:1000], 0 == 1)
for i in eachindex(x)
set_objective_coefficient(model, x[i], 1.0)
for i in eachindex(x), j in eachindex(constr)
set_normalized_coefficient(constr[j], x[i], 1.0)
return model, x, constr
function set_coefficient_direct_model()
model = direct_model(Gurobi.Optimizer(GRB_ENV_REF[]))
@variable(model, x[1:10000])
@constraint(model, constr[1:1000], 0 == 1)
for i in eachindex(x)
set_objective_coefficient(model, x[i], 1.0)
for i in eachindex(x), j in eachindex(constr)
set_normalized_coefficient(constr[j], x[i], 1.0)
return model, x, constr
function read_coefficient_model(x, constr)
@inbounds for i in 1:100, j in 1:100
normalized_coefficient(constr[j], x[i])
function read_coefficient_direct_model(x, constr)
@inbounds for i in 1:100, j in 1:100
normalized_coefficient(constr[j], x[i])
function main()
println("Set objective and constraint coefficients with model")
@time model, x, constr = set_coefficient_model()
println("Set objective and constraint coefficients with direct model")
@time direct_model, direct_x, direct_constr = set_coefficient_direct_model()
println("Read constraint coefficients with model")
@time read_coefficient_model(x, constr)
println("Read constraint coefficients with direct model")
@time read_coefficient_direct_model(direct_x, direct_constr)
end # module scjulia
scjulia.jl (1.8 KB)