JuliaHealth Warsaw Workshop 🇵🇱 : Monday, July 15th 2024

Hi everyone,

With a huge thank you to Dr. @Jakub_Mitura, I am pleased to announce that I will be visiting the National Information Processing Institute in Warsaw, Poland to give a small workshop on Julia and JuliaHealth! If you are unable to join the event in person, we will be live streaming this event and hopefully we will be able to put the recording on YouTube.

Here’s the details about the event if you are in Poland:

Date: July 15th
Time: 9:30AM - 12PM (Central European Summer Time)
Location Directions: Al. Niepodległości 188B Warsaw, room 101. People should tell security personnel next to the entrance of the main building when they arrive and request them to call @Jakub_Mitura so they can be brought to the talk.

Agenda: Here is what I have tentatively planned to cover in this workshop:

  • Small Overview of Julia
  • Data Analysis in Julia Workflow
  • Overview of health research areas
  • Overview of JuliaHealth
  • Demos in specific health research domains
  • Future of JuliaHealth

This is the first time JuliaHealth is putting on something like this and we are quite excited to share about what is happening within JuliaHealth. A huge thank you to Dr. Mitura for coordinating this and making this possible. Hope to be able to see you there! I will be posting additional information to this Discourse post in case there are any updates to share or changes.


~ Jacob S. Zelko (aka TheCedarPrince :deciduous_tree: )


Anybody that would like to come to Warsaw you are invited and let me know :slight_smile:

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For folks who are in Poland, I just added the location details and directions to the location. I am also in the process of figuring out livestreaming options too – updates to come!

Hi everyone!

Sorry for the last minute change, but the start of the talk will now be at 10AM! Sorry about the last minute update!

We have set-up a live stream link that you can join here: Hi folks, the workshop is starting now! Feel free to join at the link here: Join conversation

The talk will be starting in just a few minutes! :smiley: