There’s also another interface to the schedule via JuliaCon.jl thanks to @carstenbauer :
julia> using JuliaCon
julia> schedule = JuliaCon.get_conference_schedule();
julia> filter(schedule) do sch
occursin("Aerospace Minisymposium", sch.track)
7×8 DataFrame
Row │ start duration title speaker type url ⋯
│ ZonedDat… Compound… String Array… JuliaCon… Stri ⋯
1 │ 2024-07-10T14:30:00+02:00 30 minutes The SatelliteToolbox.jl Ecosystem ["Ronan Arraes Jardim Chagas"] Talk() http ⋯
2 │ 2024-07-10T15:30:00+02:00 30 minutes Towards Aerodynamic Simulations … ["Daniel Doehring"] Talk() http
3 │ 2024-07-10T16:00:00+02:00 10 minutes Variational Multiscale Method in… ["Carlo Brunelli"] LightningTalk() http
4 │ 2024-07-10T16:10:00+02:00 30 minutes Trajectory optimisation in space… ["Jean-Baptiste Caillau", "Alesi… Talk() http
5 │ 2024-07-10T16:40:00+02:00 30 minutes Propagating large orbital uncert… ["Jorge A. Pérez-Hernández", "Lu… Talk() http ⋯
6 │ 2024-07-10T17:10:00+02:00 10 minutes RunwayPNPSolve.jl: Uncertainty-A… ["Romeo Valentin"] LightningTalk() http
7 │ 2024-07-10T17:20:00+02:00 10 minutes Optimal Cooperative Rendezvous u… ["Rajeev Voleti"] LightningTalk() http