Julia Workshop

Hi all,

I gave a voluntary three day Julia workshop (+ Hacktoberfest Hackathon) for undergraduate physicists at the University of Cologne last week and it (once again) has been a great pleasure. Julia is just as much fun to teach as coding in it!

Fortunately, the students see it the same way: over 60 students applied for the workshop (they don’t get any credit points!) and from the feedback it’s clear that they love the language and will dive deeper into it! Seed successfully sown :slight_smile:

I thought it might be a good idea to share the workshop material here for other students and lecturers. Feel free to check it out on github: https://github.com/crstnbr/JuliaWorkshop19

Let me also take this opportunity to once again say thank you! Lots of resources from other community members have been used/refactored in the workshop and I hope I did a better job than last time of pointing them out in the Resources.md. Please, let me know if you feel inadequately referenced.

It is a pleasure to be part of the Julia community!



One more thing: Special thanks to @Tamas_Papp for sending over some Julia stickers from Austria! The students loved them :slight_smile:


Great to hear that! I will be printing more soon.


Oh MAN! Thanks for sharing this, this is awesomely cool! @carstenbauer can you tell me when you gave the elevetor pitch presentation?

This comes very timely for me, as I am currently in the process of designing a 1-day workshop for learning Julia (with exercises, composed out of three parts).

Gald you like it!

The presentation was basically the very first thing of the workshop to get things started, after the hello and such. The first couple of slides contain the schedule and the “how do I get the workshop materials” part (which I had sent around via Email before the workshop already). This way, while I am pitching Julia, the people who didn’t yet have the materials/packages etc. could instantiate the workshop environment and precompile everything, which definitely takes some time.



how much time in advance did you advertise this? What was your advertisement scheme?

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I advertised the workshop about 3 months in advance in a computational physics class (where I substituted a professor a couple of times) and announced it on the mailing list of our deparment (theoretical physics). I also put up a bunch of posters - this was necessary to make this an “official” university event which allowed me to sponsor pizza for everyone during the hackathon :slight_smile:

The target audience has been students that already had some first contact with Julia but wanted to learn more about it, in particular more fundamental things (rather than just physics applications). So basically I told them that they’d learn about how Julia works, why it is special and awesome, and, practically, how they make their code run faster by avoiding common pitfalls.

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Is there a curated list of things like that?
Something in the style of Awesome XXX (In our case Awesome Julia).

I don’t think there is a Julia version of awesome-python, which lists great libraries, frameworks, etc. across different areas. However, if what you’re interested in is teaching material, I remember there has been a Excel document floating around here on discourse that was listing some nice resources. (Perhaps noting the obvious, but there is https://julialang.org/learning/ of course).

Too bad.

So you should push there your work and this Why I love Julia.