Julia VS Code extension version v0.16 released

Dear pfitzseb, thanks for the new version 0.16.9

Sadly, all the bugs I reported are still there. Don’t worry, I know you do your best effort. We appreciate you and davidanthoff that make a very nice Juno extension for VSCode.

Instead of looking the above reports, I will list them:

  1. Reduce (Symbolic) Packages takes a lot of time to load. In other words, a first time command (for example Algebra.df) of that library needs like one or two minutes to show a result
  2. Inline Execution doesn’t work if the cursor is after a semicolon. For example: " a=4;| "
  3. Sometimes VSCode Terminal (PowerShell or Julia) looks like blurry rendered.
  4. Every time I do Inline Execution, the text “julia>” in terminal, come down by itself, instead of keeping its position

Aesthetic Bugs:

  1. With RExpr (Reduce) and Inline Result, a math expression is showed but also with RExpr help below
  2. Expressions in Workspace Viewer shows very “primitive” (a lot of “head” and “args” instead the math expression)

Thanks dear brothers, have a very good day. And I like the new color of Inline Results haha :smiley: