Not getting inline results on VS Code similar to Juno


I recently switched from Juno to VS Code, and I’m looking for a way to replicate the following test

Thus far, I’ve set the results to show inline

but it only appears in REPL on execution. Capture2

What am I doing wrong?


You’re probably using Ctrl-Enter to evaluate code, which explicitly pastes the current line into the REPL. Try Alt-Enter instead (we’ll rework the keybindings soonish though).


Spot on. My hands are still used to the Juno keybindings

However, the results are only available on hoverUntitled

Is there a way to toggle it on&off like Juno?


No, that unfortunately is a limitation of VSCode.

Ah, ok. That’s a shame.

If you want to use Juno keybindings, have a look here:

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Now this is a game changer, especially

{ "key": "ctrl+shift+enter", "command": "language-julia.executeFile", "when": "editorTextFocus && editorLangId == 'julia'" },

Which configuration file do I put these key bindings into?

Open the command palette with Ctrl-Shift-P and type in Open Keyboard Shortcuts (JSON). You can just paste the whole config file in there.


It’s the keybindings.json file which is found In VS code by entering Ctrl-Shift-P and searching for open keyboard shortcuts (JSON).

It should be located in the following folder on your computer: C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Code\User\

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Are there plans to have the nested dropdowns of inline results in VSCode? I’ve found it very useful for quickly inspecting my code.

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Yes, but we depend on upstream to implement that. For now you might be interested in the workspace explorer, which gives you tree views for all variables.


I was wondering how can I get to know about new infos of the julia extension in Code. I remember that in JuliaCon2020 was said that the Juno and Code teams had merged together to only stay in Code, so I was looking forward to keep up with the news.

Perhaps by reading posts on this forum with VS Code tag.

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