Julia VS Code extension version v0.16 released

Did you send crash reports? Those help immensly when tracking down bugs.


Happy to try it out soon :slight_smile:

Yes I did

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My language server has crashed a few timesā€¦ sent the crash report.

Dear brother, did you see my last two feedback posts?? :slight_smile:

So, what is the current state and planning development of IDEs for Julia? I remember to have read some time ago that the current VS-Code Julia plugin had different objectives than Juno, and that a VS-Code based Juno was planned, but I understood now that instead the two projects merged, right ?
Also, what still ā€œclassical Junoā€ has that the current VS Code plugin misses ?

I did. Weā€™ll hopefully fix most of those issue in the next release.

Yup. Turns out our respective visions were much more compatible than we originally thought.

The Atom-based Juno is in maintenance-only mode now.

Take a look at the juno-parity label. The biggest missing features probably are the

  • documentation browser,
  • profiler UI, and
  • a more fully featured plot pane.

Apart from that thereā€™s a bunch of additional QoL enhancements that Iā€™d like to see, but that takes a lot of time and feedback.


Dear pfitzseb, thanks for the new version 0.16.9

Sadly, all the bugs I reported are still there. Donā€™t worry, I know you do your best effort. We appreciate you and davidanthoff that make a very nice Juno extension for VSCode.

Instead of looking the above reports, I will list them:

  1. Reduce (Symbolic) Packages takes a lot of time to load. In other words, a first time command (for example Algebra.df) of that library needs like one or two minutes to show a result
  2. Inline Execution doesnā€™t work if the cursor is after a semicolon. For example: " a=4;| "
  3. Sometimes VSCode Terminal (PowerShell or Julia) looks like blurry rendered.
  4. Every time I do Inline Execution, the text ā€œjulia>ā€ in terminal, come down by itself, instead of keeping its position

Aesthetic Bugs:

  1. With RExpr (Reduce) and Inline Result, a math expression is showed but also with RExpr help below
  2. Expressions in Workspace Viewer shows very ā€œprimitiveā€ (a lot of ā€œheadā€ and ā€œargsā€ instead the math expression)

Thanks dear brothers, have a very good day. And I like the new color of Inline Results haha :smiley:

Is there any way to have the REPL in a vertical side panel instead of a horizontal tab at the bottom?

@cortner Right click on the top edge of the panel and there is an option to change the location of the panel. The VS Code developers kind of hid that feature. I think there used to be a button for it.

It looks like itā€™s also in the menu under View > Appearance > Move Panel Left/Right.


Thanks - canā€™t believe I missed that.

Now my only remaining gripe is that the REPL isnā€™t in the same panel as the browser and the git pane. (it is really convenient in Atom to just cycle through these) but Iā€™m guessing this is all outside the control of the Julia extension?

You can just drag and drop it to the sidebar: click on the TERMINAL text, and drag it where you want it.


Yes, there was a button that was removed long ago. Extremely weird that vertical isnā€™t the default, BTW, and on top of that itā€™s hidden. Bizarrely, it even took a long time to get a vertical terminal in the first place(!)

Very cool, I did not know you could do that! Is there also a way to move the terminal to the bottom right quadrant instead of taking the full vertical height? With normal VS Code panes you can split the height but as far I can tell the terminal pane can only be split with output/terminal/problems/debug. I checked through the juno parity labeled issues but didnā€™t see that. I assume this would be a VS Code capability not a Julia extension capability so maybe not appropriate to open an issue for the Julia extension?

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I donā€™t think you can split. Yeah, no need for an issue with us, this kind of stuff is out of our control.

Yea, I donā€™t understand why VS code, that is pretty recent, didnā€™t go for an approach ā€œput this panel wherever you wantā€ Ć  la Atomā€¦

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Checkout the latest VScode updates for flexible view and panel layout:


I donā€™t really know (so speculating here), but increased flexibility often comes at the price of reduced performance. Atom was criticized a lot over performance issues, and I wouldnā€™t be surprised if its very high degree of flexibility made performance optimization harder.

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It looks like more flexible terminal windowing is discussed in vscode#10546 which is the second most liked issue for vscode. The May updates that @laborg mentioned are very cool and it seems like thereā€™s active development on #10546, so I think thereā€™s a good chance that it will be addressed.

For inline evaluation, I am not able to select anything to copy / paste (clipboard) inside the inline result.

This is os x 10.14.6 and vs code 1.49 and julia 1.5.1 and extension 1.0.7.

Sorry if this has been answered elsewhere, I could not find it.