Julia VS Code Extension on Apple Silicon

Is the latest Julia VS Code extension (version 1.6.24) able to run natively on Apple Silicon with the native build of VS Code (not the universal build)? I don’t have a Mac with Apple Silicon at hand so I cannot test now.

The Julia VS Code extension (like VS Code itself), is mostly written in JavaScript (well Typescript).

I suppose that would work for new (or old) extension. But part of it is written in Julia. I believe, as with your own Julia app, that part is run in a separate process, i.e. it could be universal (or not), even though VS Code would be universal (and thus the VM that runs the JS part of the extension).

I think it’s simplest to just check (I don’t have M1), and if it doesn’t run, just not use native (is there a big disadvantage to that?). I believe Julia 1.8-rc1 is recommended for M1 over older (might or might not be as relevant for the extension).

I believe my setup looks like that and it works fine

I tested today on a Mac with M1 and indeed things work natively. Thanks!

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How do you know it’s running natively, vs. through Rosetta?

I guess one can use the Activity Monitor (one has to add the “kind” column) to check:

Other applications (of which I know that they use Rosetta) show “Intel” in the last column.