Julia Seasons of Contributions to supplement GSoC 2020

Hey all,

As many of you know, last year was our inaugural year of JSoC to supplement GSoC. While we very much hope to get our minimum slots requested through GSoC each year, this year, again our allocated slots were fewer than our requested minimum.

We are grateful for Google and the GSoC program for funding 16 awesome projects this year but we did not want to lose out on excellent students/proposals. Beyond the 16 students who will participate in GSoC funded by Google, we have decided to fund a further 9 students—selected through the same process—using the non-profit funds of the Julia project (at NumFOCUS ). These funds come from charitable donations, surpluses of past JuliaCons, and also include some additional funds we have received for specific projects. We will offer a stipend of USD 2000 to each student we select for this program. Every JSoC student will receive an official certificate of participation in addition to the stipend upon successful completion of their project.

In total, this is a substantial spending commitment for the project, especially given the likely loss of ticket sales revenue due to JuliaCon being virtual. If you have donated to the Julia project or sponsored JuliaCon in the past, thank you—that is what has made it possible for us to do this. If you can help fund some of this, either directly via donation or via sponsorship of JuliaCon, please contact us at juliacon@julialang.org. We hope this allows us to reap the benefits from the work of a truly impressive set of students. We are all super excited to see what they achieve.

Logan, Avik, and Chris

Edit: Here is a combined list of all projects: GSoC and JSoC 2020 Project List


You can also view the project for those selected via GSoC here: Google Summer of Code


Thanks. I see the 16 GSoC winners, but where are the 9 JSoC winners?


We will post them in the next couple of days once everyone’s participation is confirmed.


Since half of the summer had passed, it would be amazing to have some blog post about the current status of GSoC and JSoC.


Historically we post all of the blogs at the end of the summer in a wrap up post. If you are on the #jsoc channel on slack, you can see the blog posts as they are written and published in real time.

A dedicated rss aggregator might be a good idea :wink:


Congratulations with finishing GSoC 2020!
A link to the wrap up post GSoC 2020 Wrap-Up