Julia computing newsletter incorrectly renders my name

I’m not sure if this is the right category, but everytime I get a newsletter, my name is not displayed correctly as it should be written as Tamás.

I don’t think that this is gmail’s fault, but don’t have any idea where this bug comes from.
Also this doesn’t bother me, but it’s definitely not nice.

I happily help or provide more infos if needed.

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Hi Tamás

Sorry about that. We’ll try to get to the bottom of this. As you can imagine, there are multiple hops where this might be corrupted.

Could you send me the raw message from gmail? There is a “Show Original” menu option in Gmail (see screenshot).

And when you click that, you should get a “Download Original” button, that will download the raw message to you disk. Can you zip it up and send it to support@juliacomputing.com



Thank you for the fast reply. I sent the email.