Julia Client – Internal Error: Julia stopped if running codes in script rather than REPL

After starting Julia by Enter, any code pasted from script to REPL is running well. However, directly running the codes in script (by Ctrl+Enter) leads to stop Julia every time and report the Internal Error:

Julia Client – Internal Error
TypeError: non-boolean (Nothing) used in boolean context

hideprompt(::Atom.var"#184#188"{String,Int64,String,Bool}) at repl.jl:126

macro expansion at eval.jl:71 [inlined]

macro expansion at dynamic.jl:24 [inlined]

eval(::String, ::Int64, ::String, ::String, ::Bool) at eval.jl:67

(::Atom.var"#182#183")(::Dict{String,Any}) at eval.jl:62

handlemsg(::Dict{String,Any}, ::Dict{String,Any}) at comm.jl:166

(::Atom.var"#19#21"{Array{Any,1}})() at task.jl:333

This error has emerged just after I ran a function printing e.g. 1.77798…e303 (this is due to bugs I am still working on), which shocked me for not overwhelming the memory. And now appreciated luck come with later cost. Could anyone give a hint (I already reboost my laptop and atom many times but the error is the same)?

Looks like some code you’re running has a nothing in it where it’s not expected. I think to help any further you’d need to post the code that generates the error (preferably in a form that’s easily runnable for others so they can reproduce the issue you’re seeing.

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Here’ s the MWE. Hopefully it won’t bring trouble to others’ laptop :cry:

#minimum working example
using Distributions #Multinomial()
using Random #Multinomial()
using PoissonRandom #pois_rand
using LazyArrays #ApplyArray(vcat,)

#For test the function
D= gaussian_1d_localmig3(Nmax,Nmin,1,0.1,5e-5,5) #8 seconds
# plot(D[2]',yscale=:log10,ylims=(1e-3,1),legend=false)
# savefig("..\\photo\\oscipopu_without migration")

function gaussian_1d_localmig3(Nmax, Nmin,twoNmu,s0,mig,nDemes)

    ## Preallocating dataframes
    migCell=Array{Array{Float64,1},1}(undef,nDemes) # stores how many migrants per deme
                               #one column is enough
    migLR=Array{Array{Float64,2},1}(undef,nDemes) #left right migration amount
    D=Array{Array{Float64,2},1}(undef,nDemes)#deme cell array - each with their own frequency array
    x = zeros(1,T+1)
    x[end,1] = 1 #Initial frequency array of the wt (no mutants present yet)

    for i in 1:nDemes # populate deme cell array with initial wt-frequency of 1 @ T= 0
        D[i] = x

    #enable input s0, mig instead of population-scaled parameter twoNs, twoNmig

 for t in 2:T+1 #Generations #T+1
    prd=12 #a period of 12 generation
    NDeme=0.5(Nmax+Nmin)+0.5(Nmax+Nmin)*sin(2pi*t/prd) #oscillating population size

    if NDeme==0 #usually in (9+12n) generation
        NDeme=200 #to avoid casuing NANs after being dividing NDeme
    println("oscillating NDeme ", NDeme)

    ## Population Parameters
    mu = twoNmu/2/NDeme/nDemes # mutation coefficient
    s0 = twoNs/2/NDeme/nDemes #selection coefficient, s_ to avoid name crash with s in Julia
    mig = twoNmig/2/NDeme/nDemes # dispersal rate

     for i in 1:nDemes
        println("deme#####", i)

        println("nan in x_beginning of Selection ",nan) #check the input at the beginning
        if !isempty(nan)
            println("x ",D[i][:,t-1])

       ## Filling up the frequency array

        ##Selection, genetic drift
        xwt = x[end,t-1] #wild type frequency at t-1
        X = x[1:end-1,t-1] # mutant frequencies at t-1
        ss=xwt*s0 #selection modification

        xxK = 1-sum(xx) #Frequency of wild type (wt is the Kth allele)

        if xxK < 0 # in case wild type frequency is negative
            xxK = 0 # set wt frequency to 0
            xx = xx/sum(xx) #resets all mutant frequencies to sum to 1

        ## Genetic drift
        n = rand(Multinomial(Int(NDeme),[xx;xxK])) #Multinomial random numbers
        x[:,t] = z #n outputed in individuals

        println("nan in x_end of drift  ",nan)
        #[3:7,9], problem in frequency vector in 9th generation
        if !isempty(nan)
            println("x ",D[i][:,t])

        xwt = x[end,t] #wild type frequency at t-1
        m = pois_rand(NDeme*mu*xwt) #number of de novo mutants generated

        if m != 0 # with >= mutant alleles generated
            xN = zeros(m,T+1) #rows of new mutant alleles
            for f in 1:nDemes #add xN to all demes
                x = D[f]
                x=ApplyArray(vcat,xN,x) #new mutant piled on top
                if f==i #frequency of the deme that mutant emerged as 1/NDeme
                    x[1:m,t] .= 1/NDeme # 1 individual arising per mutant seeding into above array
                    x[end,t] = x[end,t] - m/NDeme

        # x=D[i]#x still in this module
        println("nan_end of mutation  ",nan)

        #[3:7,9], problem in frequency vector in 9th generation
        if !isempty(nan)
            println("x ",D[i][:,t])

    end # for i in 1:nDemes

    D = NDeme*D #frequency=>individuals

    ## Determining the number of migrants leaving the demes
    for i in 1:nDemes
        n_i = D[i] #extract from cell array, multi-step=>better computational efficiency
        n_B = n_i[:,t] #frequency column in t generation, i-th deme
        println("n_B _before MIG",n_B)
        MIG = mig*n_B #expected number of migrants individuals #column vec
        migLV = pois_rand.(MIG) #actual number of migrants

                          #Before leaving in migration
                          #column vector
        for g in 1:length(n_B) # poisson may generate>there is=>negative frequency
            #"migCell[i] = poissrnd(MIG)' #actual number of migrants"--line111
            if migLV[g] > n_B[g] # looks for negative values and sets to zero
                println("migLV[g]  ", migLV[g])
                println("n_B[g]  ", n_B[g])
                migLV[g] = trunc(n_B[g]) #both float vector

        n_lv = n_B - migLV #after leaving; both column vector
        n_i[:,t] = n_lv # storing population after migrants leave in
        # println("migration_leaving_size(n_lv)",size(n_lv))
        D[i] = n_i # stores "frequency" array back in to deme cell array

        migCell[i] = migLV # leaving array! not left-right array (migLR)
        # println("migLV  ", migLV)

        println("nan_end of migLV  ",nan)#NaN in which column=>which generation


        ## Determining if migrants move left or right
    for i in 1:nDemes
        c = size(migCell[i])[1] #c=column number, registers size of migrant
        #array to preallocate size of migLR_i array
        migLR_i = Int.(zeros(c,2)) #column 1 amount going left, 2 going right
        tot_mig = migCell[i] #total: left+right
        # println("tot_mig ", " max " maximum(tot_mig)," type ",typeof(tot_mig))
        tot_mig = Int.(tot_mig)
        if i == 1 #first deme
            # println("first_size",size(tot_mig))
            migLR_i[:,2] = tot_mig # left end, only toward right
            migLR[i] = migLR_i
        elseif i == nDemes #last deme
            # println("last_size", size(tot_mig))
            migLR_i[:,1] = tot_mig # right end, only toward left
            migLR[i] = migLR_i
        else # middle demes
            # migLR_i(1,:) = binornd(tot_mig,0.5);
            # println("middle_size", size(tot_mig))
            # println("mig")
            # println("middle_size",size(tot_mig))
            migLR_i[:,1] = rand.(Binomial.(tot_mig,0.5))#toward left
                            #two elemetwise dot is needed
            migLR_i[:,2] = tot_mig - migLR_i[:,1] #toward right
            migLR[i] = migLR_i

        println("nan position_end of migLR  ",nan)#NaN in which column=>which generation
        #[3:7,9], problem in frequency vector in 9th generation

    #migLR:    column1           column2
    #leaving:  toward left       toward right
    #entering: fr Right          fr Left

    ## Accounting for migrants entering in the "frequency" array, D
    for i in 1:nDemes
        if i == 1 # for first deme
            n_i = D[i] # n before accounting for entering migrants
            n_B = n_i[:,t]
            n_frR = migLR[i+1] # n entering array !ROW VECTOR
            n_frR = n_frR[:,1] #only migration from right, columnn vector
            #column vector

            n_aft = n_B + n_frR
            D[i] = n_i # stores back into deme cell array
            elseif i == nDemes # for last deme
            n_i = D[i]
            n_B = n_i[:,t]
            n_frL = migLR[i-1] # n entering array !ROW VECTOR
            n_frL = n_frL[:,2] #only migration from left, columnn vector
            n_aft = n_B + n_frL # adds entering array into existing array
            D[i] = n_i # stores back into deme cell array
        else # for the middle demes
            n_i = D[i] # n before entering, COLUMN VECTOR
            n_B = n_i[:,t]
            # println("migLR_size",size(migLR))
            n_frR = migLR[i+1] # n entering array from right deme !ROW VECTOR
            n_frR = n_frR[:,1] # n entering (only left migration therefore                #row 1)!COLUMN VECTOR
            n_frL = migLR[i-1] # n entering array from left deme !ROW VECTOR
            n_frL = n_frL[:,2] # n entering (only right migration therefore
                #row 2)!COLUMN VECTOR


            n_aft = n_B + n_frR + n_frL # adds entering array into existing array
            D[i] = n_i # stores back into deme cell array

        println("nan position_just after migration  ",nan)
        println("n_i just after migration ", n_aft)

    for i in 1:nDemes
        x_i=D[i]#column in frequency except in this generation
        println("sum(n_B) ",sum(n_B))

        #check NaNs contained at the end of migration or not
        println("x_i ", size(x_aft))#how much elements in this column
        println("nan position_after individuals=>frequency  ",nan)
        #how much NaNs in this column


  end #for t = 2:T+1

  return D
 end #function

Shift the pathway to former version Julia-1.2.0 in setting, and the script serve normally. I have no idea what my demon codes have done to the file of Julia-1.3.1 and whether version matters or not.

First, that is not a MWE.

Second, if rather than copy-pasting the code or running via some Atom shortcut, you instead use include() in the REPL, the error message will actually tell you what line is the problem.

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This error happens if you are not on the latest version of julia-client and on Atom.jl 0.12.5. I’d recommend updating both julia-client and Atom.jl to their latest version.

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While updating it appeared that only 0.12.2 version of ink and julia-client are available. After the two above and atom.jl (pkg>update atom) got successfully updated, I restarted atom and all the shortcut key changed. Ctrl+enter before as running the line now is like enter, Ctrl+j +Ctrl+o to open the REPL now is to open the folder.

The keybindings in setting appear to be (nowhere clickable and amendable):

No ouput if searching REPL or terminal in the box while for ctrl-j

Referring to this early version discussion of keybinding issue, I alos tried to uninstall and reinstall julia-client but it’s not uninstall after the uninstall button reacted for a while.

My current julia version is 1.3.1. Could you please help me with this?


  1. Close all Atom instances.
  2. Start a terminal (e.g. cmd on Windows or the Terminal App on MacOS)
  3. Execute apm uninstall julia-client .
  4. Execute apm install julia-client .
  5. Start Juno. Everything should work again.

as per the FAQ.

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For who met the same problem:
apm uninstall julia-client on window terminal failed cause package.json not found in the pathway C:\Users\Amend\.atom\packages\julia-client. After uninstall and reinstall Atom, C:\Users\Amend\.atom\packages\julia-client gets decent, while the condition still appears to be

After getting ink uninstalled and reinstalled in packages in setting, finally everything get back to track~

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