Julia backend for Polyglot Notebooks

Hi lovely people :smile: :+1:t3:

Microsoft develops a special kernel for Jupyter Notebooks that can interact with different languages.
That way, you can share variables between F#, R, Javascript, Python and others.


It seems almost trivial, to implement new languages, you simply connect to an existing kernel.

The whole things acts as a single kernel, that can have multiple subkernel

The nice thing about that is, that its compatible with all existing Jupyter implementations,
so JupyterLab, VSCode, IDEA, nteract and so on. :slightly_smiling_face:

I could open up an issue on Github.

As someone, who is not into data science (as this seems mostly useful for), I like to ask first, if that is actually useful, or if the current Julia Jupyter kernel can do all of that for you as is.

Is this useful to you?

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It seems like this is working already.

I will try this tomorrow :slightly_smiling_face:

Looks interesting. Does it work on other OS besides Windows? Apparently, it needs the .NET SDK

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I love that people are still under the impression, that .NET is Windows exclusive.
They seem to have missed clearing up this situation.

As someone coming from the ecosystem: .NET is fully cross-platform.
They have done a pretty good job in this regard.

The current implementation is actually done from scratch, fully cross-platform.
And the old .NET, that was Windows exclusive, is canceled, and only seen as legacy platform.

They did an entire rewrite, and that was initially called .Net Core.
And they then ultimately renamed it.

Back to .NET. :smile:
And now, you get .NET on Linux and macOS natively. :wink:

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