Julia 1.7.3 on Fedora 33

Hi all,
I am running some codes in a old server which still uses Fedora 33. I installed Julia via dnf (here is a link to the procedure I followed) but it installed only the version 1.5.3. Do you know how to get the 1.7.3 version on Fedora 33?


The debian/fedora packages are not maintained or supported by the julia community - please install directly from Download Julia.


Adding @Sukera ,

I use Linux OS (from LFS/Linux From Scratch and CAELinux with Xubuntu)
The first OS has no package manager and can run Julia very nice.
The second(CAELinux) has package manager but I opt to download it manually and setup manually too

These methods work for both OS:

  1. Download it then unpack the package. First, check your machine and processor, mine is using Dell Precision 6510 with Processor Core i7 thus I choose:
    Generic Linux on x86 : 64-bit (glibc)
  2. You may configure the path / environment variable on Fedora, you will find a lot of tutorial to do this. For me I edit my .bashrc and add this line:
    export hamzstlib=“/opt/hamzstlib”
    export JULIA_DIR=“$hamzstlib/Math/julia-1.7.3”
    export PATH="$PATH:$JULIA_DIR/bin:
    for the PATH do not delete what you already have, append to the current path of your Fedora system, otherwise you will not be able to call other applications.

Then type:

source .bashrc
  1. That’s all how to setup Julia manually without depending on package manager. Maybe the syntax and command will differ with Fedora, but the logic stays I think.

So when I type julia at terminal, the Julia REPL will comes out.

Some people will think REPL is enough, Some will prefer to use IDE like IJulia that uses Jupyter Notebook, or VS Code, or Pluto. You will learn the pros and cons the choice depends on your needs.

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