Julia 1.0 IDE for Windows

Yes, the VS Code extension uses a recent master from LanguageServer.jl. We don’t tag releases of all the packages during the alpha/beta/rc phase.

When I try to use version 1.02 through Jupyter, the kernel won’t load.

There’s a plugin for IntelliJ-based IDEs:

I’ve been running Julia 1.0.2 under Windows 7 (using VirtualBox on a MacBookPro OS 10.14.1). Julia and Gtk work as well as they do on the Mac, but the Windows REPL has problems. You can read about them at
and there are a number of examples for the course I’m writing at
I hope this helps; and any feedback you’d care to give me on the Windows problems or the programs would be appreciated.
belmont.edu@gmail.com [Robin Verdier]

If you please, can you tell more of your experience with Sublime Text 3?

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Well, that certainly seems like much to take care of in your case.

??? Did you miss the bit about the pre-configured editor?

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Hah hah, no! :slight_smile: I meant that it seemed like much of a hassle to get that file made.

Not really. Plus I made it to serve my own needs. At least at first. And now I see that it can be useful for others. Can’t get much better than that …