Yes, the VS Code extension uses a recent master
from LanguageServer.jl. We don’t tag releases of all the packages during the alpha/beta/rc phase.
When I try to use version 1.02 through Jupyter, the kernel won’t load.
There’s a plugin for IntelliJ-based IDEs:
I’ve been running Julia 1.0.2 under Windows 7 (using VirtualBox on a MacBookPro OS 10.14.1). Julia and Gtk work as well as they do on the Mac, but the Windows REPL has problems. You can read about them at
and there are a number of examples for the course I’m writing at
I hope this helps; and any feedback you’d care to give me on the Windows problems or the programs would be appreciated. [Robin Verdier]
If you please, can you tell more of your experience with Sublime Text 3?
Well, that certainly seems like much to take care of in your case.
??? Did you miss the bit about the pre-configured editor?
Hah hah, no! I meant that it seemed like much of a hassle to get that file made.
Not really. Plus I made it to serve my own needs. At least at first. And now I see that it can be useful for others. Can’t get much better than that …