Julia 0.6-alpha released, please update your projects

In case people missed the announcement in the 0.6 release timeline thread, Julia 0.6-alpha has been released:

0.6 alpha has been tagged and binaries are available. You can now use “0.6” on Travis, or “0.6-latest” on Appveyor, and it will use the most recently tagged pre-release or release candidate. We haven’t branched release-0.6 off of master yet though and probably won’t until we go through a beta and a few release candidates, whenever there are enough blocked feature PR’s to make it worth branching. So for now the nightlies will be more up-to-date with bug fixes but should be functionally equivalent. Please report anything that regresses between this alpha and nightlies.

Maintainers of projects and packages:

  • Please update your packages now and report any issues you encounter
  • Now is a good time to upgrade your projects too
    • if it works now, it should work in 0.6 final
    • if it doesn’t work, now is the time to report an issue so that we have a change to address it

There should be a 0.6-beta out in about a week or so, at which point it’s really time to upgrade.



Is there a list of breaking changes or an upgrade guide somewhere?

NEWS.md on master. Though if it’s missing anything, do let us know so we can make it more complete.


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Of course, the lazy way to find out what needs to change is to run your tests and do what the deprecations tell you. I believe there’s only one change that we couldn’t deprecate, which is that readline / eachline / readlines now chomps lines by default (i.e. removes the trailing newline). If you require the newline, you can use the chomp=false keyword argument.

Justo to understand correctly, I simply replace 0.5 by 0.6 in the travis file (and similarly “0.6-latest” instead of “0.5-latest”) ?

Or should I use both version and both will be tested?

Yes, either just 0.6 or

    - 0.5
    - 0.6
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