Hi, I’ve upgraded to Julia-0.5, but having some trouble with very basic setup.
In short, I can’t get any modules to load, even after verifying LOAD_PATH
includes the directory where the modules are stored.
Using Win7 x64.
Starting with Pkg.add("Atom")
, it fails with building HttpParser
because it can’t find BinDeps
Turns out Pkg.add(...)
puts packages in c:\users\me\.julia\v0.5
is by default set to a couple places in AppData\Local\...
, so in fact none of the modules that are installed are use
So I add the module path to LOAD_PATH
by saying push!(LOAD_PATH, Pkg.dir())
, but no luck. I also tried changing the capitalization of the path, but I don’t think this matters. Not sure why I need to do this out of the box. I didn’t see any “julia” in the Windows registry which might impact an install after a previous 0.4.5 install.
Here is now my LOAD_PATH, and confirmation that BinDeps
is installed, as far as Pkg
is concerned.
julia> LOAD_PATH
2-element Array{String,1}:
julia> push!(LOAD_PATH, Pkg.dir())
3-element Array{String,1}:
julia> using BinDeps
ERROR: ArgumentError: Module BinDeps not found in current path.
Run `Pkg.add("BinDeps")` to install the BinDeps package.
in require(::Symbol) at .\loading.jl:365
julia> Pkg.installed("BinDeps")
From the cmd shell, I confirm that BinDeps is in the location shown above:
Volume in drive C is Windows7_OS
Volume Serial Number is A486-AC98
Directory of C:\users\me\.julia\v0.5
01/06/2017 08:56 AM <DIR> .
01/06/2017 08:56 AM <DIR> ..
01/06/2017 08:56 AM <DIR> .cache
01/06/2017 08:56 AM <DIR> AbstractTrees
01/06/2017 08:56 AM <DIR> ArgParse
01/06/2017 08:56 AM <DIR> ASTInterpreter
01/06/2017 08:56 AM <DIR> Atom
01/06/2017 08:56 AM <DIR> BinDeps
Any idea how to get this working?