Iterating through JLDFile (JLD2)

If I have a JLDFile like this:

julia> jldopen("test.jld2","w") do f
       f["one"] = 1
       f["two"] = 2
       f["group1/three"] = 3
       f["group2/four"] = 4
       f["group3/one/five"] = 5

julia> f = jldopen("test.jld2")
JLDFile C:\Users\sdmca\Desktop\test.jld2 (read-only)
 ├─� one
 ├─� two
 ├─� group1
 │  └─� three
 ├─� group2
 │  └─� four
 └─� group3
    └─� one
       └─� five

Is there a way to iterate through all of the labels? I am aware that you can do this:

julia> keys(f)
5-element Array{String,1}:

I’ve also looked at AbstractTrees.jl but haven’t had any success.