When I use Symbolics.jl in Pluto.jl I get an invalid latex expression (at least for Mathjax).
Is there a workaround to remove the text part from the output?
I basically makes Symbolics.jl very bothersome to use.
I also found this issue, but It does not provide a workaround yet.
SymPy formulas are not rendered correctly · Issue #488 · fonsp/Pluto.jl · GitHub
I may have found a way.
I hope this does not mess up other things.
Base.show(io::IO,::MIME"text/html",x::Num) = show(io,MIME("text/latex"),x)
May 15, 2021, 1:20pm
The following has worked for me:
using Symbolics, Latexify
set_default(; env=:inline)
At the same time, I am no expert. Maybe there is some reason this is not a good way to work around. I’d love to hear if it works for you and if you have found anything better.
Thank you for your solution. I think I’ll be using that one.
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May 26, 2021, 8:27pm
Note that this is no longer needed in the latest Pluto (0.14.7). Thank you fonsp!