function open_xyz_file(path::AbstractString)
file = open(path)
num_atoms = parse(Int, readline(file))
comment = readline(file)
symbols = Vector{String}(undef, num_atoms)
coords = zeros(num_atoms,3)
for i in 1:num_atoms
line = readline(file)
data = split(line)
symbols[i] = data[1]
coords[i, :] = [parse(Float64, d) for d in data[2:4]]
return symbols, coords, comment
Hello @Luis_Manuel_Espinoza ,
You would make it easier for anybody willing to help if you would take a look at the following guidelines and provide a nicer code formatting.
One quick improvement can be the removal of allocations associated with: coords[i, :] = [parse(Float64, d) for d in data[2:4]]
A potential replacement is this:
for ii in 1:3
coords[i, ii] = parse(Float64, data[ii+1])
- Consider reading the file all at once instead of line-by-line.
- It is better to use static arrays for small vectors
makes a copy[parse(Float64, d) for d in data[2:4]]
allocates a temporary array
There are ways to do this faster: Package to read/process lines without new allocations
But for this specific task of reading a sequence of lines containing space-delimited numbers that you want to parse, I would look at CSV.Rows
in CSV.jl, or simply CSV.File
with a limit=num_atoms
There are also a few libraries to deal with common atom file formats, for instance: Julia interface to chemfiles ยท Chemfiles.jl
From their examples: Chemfiles โ read and write chemistry files
using Chemfiles
file = Trajectory("")
frame = read(file)
println("There are $(size(frame)) atoms in the frame")
pos = positions(frame);
# Do awesome science here with the positions
if has_velocities(frame)
vel = velocities(frame)
# If the file contains information about the
# velocities, you will find them here.