I want to do image processing in real time using the Raspberry Pi global shutter camera. Is there a Julia package that wraps the the Raspberry camera libraries?
Not really. This one looks pretty dead: GitHub - stemann/Cameras.jl: A Julia interface for cameras
And GitHub - JuliaIO/VideoIO.jl: Reading and writing of video files in Julia via ffmpeg . But I don’t think it allows to grab video input.
Google for “VFL (video for Linux)”, perhaps you find a way to grab frames. Or a C library. You can call C from Julia directly.
Perhaps access libcamera from Julia? But it might have only a C++ interface, then you would have write your own wrapper using CxxWrap .
As a first try you could also call an external application like
rpicam-still --encoding png --output test.png
and store the output in a RAM disk. Check how many FPS you get with this method.
I’ve always wanted to try my hand at one of the (imho) coolest early Julia-days projects, @mbauman’s traffic speed monitoring system:
and would have hoped things had become easier in the last 9 years, but maybe not