Is it possible to use Julia to speed up for loop against Python?

Hi all,

I’m new to Julia and want to do gradient-based optimization with a time-related model. The model is pretty simple and here is a link to the python version: tonic/ at master · UW-Hydro/tonic · GitHub

My question is about the optimization. Say I use the Adam optimizer and optimize some parameters, and this requires doing the iteration (epoch iteration). Meanwhile, the model itself is doing the iteration along the time dimension. If I use 150 epochs for optimization, and 365-day as the time steps, it will be 150*365. I have completed a PyTorch version but it is really slow even if I only do the forward pass without gradient-based optimization.

My question: is it possible to speed up the time step iteration with Julia? Some pseudo code:

for epoch in range(150): # epoch iteration for optimization. 
  # forward
  T = x_d.shape[0]  # time steps
  # some state variables. 
  model_swe = torch.zeros((T), requires_grad=True).float().to(device)
  outflow = torch.zeros((T), requires_grad=True).float().to(device)
  ait = torch.zeros((1), requires_grad=True).float().to(device)
  deficit = torch.zeros((1), requires_grad=True).float().to(device)
  w_i = torch.zeros((1), requires_grad=True).float().to(device)  # (batch, )
  w_q = torch.zeros((1), requires_grad=True).float().to(device)  # (batch, )
  dt = 24  # daily time series.
  prec = x_d[:, 0]  # precipitation
  tair = x_d[:, 1]  # air temperature
  ele = x_s[-1]  # elevation from static features.
  p_atm = 33.86 * (29.9 - (0.335 * ele / 100) +
                      (0.00022 * ((ele / 100) ** 2.4))).float()  # (batch, )
  params = model(x_d_norm[:,:])
  for i in range(T):
      # some parameters to be optimized. 
      fracsnow = params[i, 0]
      plwhc = 0.04
      # precipitation at this time step (mm)
      precip = prec[i]  # (batch,)
      t_air_mean = tair[i]  # (batch,)
      fracrain = 1.0 - fracsnow
      pn = precip * fracsnow * scf
      w_i = w_i + pn
      rain = fracrain * precip
      # some equations to calculate snow water equivalent. 
      model_swe[:, i] = swe
      outflow[:, i] = e
      # finish time iteration. 
  loss = loss_fn(model_swe, real_swe)

Any help would be appreciated!

If the model is simple enough it would be worth a try at least, for loops in particular could be a lot faster in julia and the other things should hopefully be on par.

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I’ll probably try it with Julia. Another concern is that when I run this for loop with Numpy and CPU, it is pretty fast. When I’m using GPU and Tensors, it is extremely slow. Not sure if this can be accelerated by Julia.

GPUs are quite slow in general when compared with the CPU, before even taking into account the latency cost of copying data between your CPU and GPU. You would have to scale up and parallelise your model enough to see any improvement, which is likely why you are seeing a significant slow down when moving to a GPU.

Could you provide some test data so that someone can try an run the model? (I could be mock data as long as it works)

I’ ve done using julia for loop to call python functions using PyCall/PythonCall. Yes it could be much faster if for loop itself is the bottleneck.