Is it possible to private message another user on the Julia Discourse?

Quick question: Is it possible to private message another user on the Julia Discourse? I couldn’t find a button for it but it might be because I haven’t posted enough?

(Original message :slack:)

When you click on your avatar, you will get the (envelope) button:


I was able to find the answer on Slack! Thank you to everyone for the help.

It seems like I didn’t have the “Basic” trust level badge on the Discourse yet. I mostly read the Julia Discourse without logging in so I guess I didn’t have enough “reading time” yet on the forum. But now I do! Once I read a few more topics while logged in it gave me the “Basic” trust level badge.

I can now see the “Message” button when I click on my profile or other people’s profiles.

Thank you to @Valentin and @giordano on Slack! Thank you to @PetrKryslUCSD as well!

EDIT: Link to the badges: JuliaLang